Micros? The Best you've had...

in General Discussion edited January 2014
Well, after Matsu's 'addiction' thread I had an idea about people posting their 'favorite brew' thread. Why? Because I love the taste of a good beer (call me a beer snob) and I'm always looking for other good ones to try.

Sooo.....post your current favorite or past favorite brew, and give others a chance to try it for themselves.

Also, I'd like to keep this thread about 'crafted' beer. So not so much domestics. For example, Sierra Nevada Celebration Ale would be OK because it's seasonal. Budweiser born on 11/19/02 would not be OK because, well, it's crapwater. Of course all microbrewery beer is acceptable.

My current favorites:

1) Founder's Porter (Michigan)

2) Bell's Two Hearted Ale (Michigan)

3) Founder's American Black Ale (Michigan)

4) Sierra Nevada Stout

5) New Holland Olde Poet Oatmeal Stout (Michigan)


  • Reply 1 of 15
    709709 Posts: 2,016member
    Over an hour and nobody? I figured with the 12,000 or so AI members at least 10% were of drinking age, and of that at least 10% visited AI regularly, and of that maybe 10% visited AppleOutsider on occasion, and of that maybe 10% drank micro-brews. So, well, where's that 1.2 person?

    Shit. Math depresses me.
  • Reply 2 of 15
    matsumatsu Posts: 6,558member
    Canadian beer = crap. It all tastes the same, at least the Labatt and Molson stuff.
  • Reply 3 of 15
    torifiletorifile Posts: 4,024member
    Hmm, microbrews. I'm sure I've had some good ones but I can't think of what they would be right now. Lemme think overnight and I'll post back when I'm more inspired. (Just posting because of your math skilz...)
  • Reply 4 of 15
    scottscott Posts: 7,431member
    Seeing as how I'm doing most of my drinking in Michigan these days the top list will do for me. Bell makes some good stuff.

    me drinking it up->
  • Reply 5 of 15
    anything from New Glaurus (Glarus?) in Madison.

    tastes wonderful! some of the best seasonal brews around.
  • Reply 6 of 15
    I tend to loiter at this one bar/restaurant called Triumph that has various good beers. I usually just have a plain ol' "Honey Wheat" lager, but they have a good stout (tastes more like a black and tan) and a good IPA.

    Flying Fish isn't bad.

    Best beers I've ever had were in Prague -- Krusoviche or something like that, and a few others that I couldn't remember because I couldn't find their names on coasters.
  • Reply 7 of 15
    scottscott Posts: 7,431member
    I hate IPAs.

    The best beer I had was my first one. The Beast. I'm sure the beer that will top it will be my last one
  • Reply 8 of 15
    eugeneeugene Posts: 8,254member
    Heh, I love IPAs.

    The best IPAs are:

    Speakeasy Big Daddy IPA

    Lagunitas Maximus IPA

    Stone IPA

    Stone Ruination IPA

    I also like Gordon Biersch Märzen if it's from a tap.

    Anchor Liberty Ale and Anchor Steam of course. The original microbrews...

    Stone Imperial Russian Stout is great too, if you want something heavy...

    Full Sail's (American) Pale Ale's not too bad either.

    And beer should not be made out of wheat.

    [ 11-21-2002: Message edited by: Eugene ]</p>
  • Reply 9 of 15
    709709 Posts: 2,016member
    [quote]Originally posted by alcimedes:

    <strong>anything from New Glaurus (Glarus?) in Madison.

    tastes wonderful! some of the best seasonal brews around.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Actually I had some New Glarus Lambecs brought over from the beer festival a couple months ago. Damn tasty.
  • Reply 10 of 15
    709709 Posts: 2,016member
    [quote]Originally posted by Eugene:


    And beer should not be made out of wheat.


  • Reply 11 of 15
    I miss RSB in Dallas...... was the best...

    90 shilling ale... wow....

    <a href="http://www.pubcrawler.com/Template/ReviewWC.cfm?BrewerID=1638"; target="_blank">http://www.pubcrawler.com/Template/ReviewWC.cfm?BrewerID=1638</a>;


    [ 11-21-2002: Message edited by: FellowshipChurch iBook ]</p>
  • Reply 12 of 15
    I'm not a fancy beer fan, but once in a while I'll have some Chimay. I don't even know if that's a micro brew or not, it's Belgian. If I could have anything it would be Heineken on tap, but only in Holland.
  • Reply 13 of 15
    I've had a bunch of Triumph lately, because I can get it for very, very cheap. (connections). Though I really hate every offering except the IPA. Triumph beer is just way too pungently sweet.

    My favorite beer is DeGroen's from Baltimore. If they make more than one kind, it's the pilsner I like. (Known as "pils" by the company). It's like Becks, but better.

    With that said, I really don't like dark beers very much. I greatly prefer the crispness and thorough bitterness of a nice pilsner. Though I like a good lager too.
  • Reply 14 of 15
    Hmmmmm...... Tasty!

    Old Speckled Hen (English bitter)

    Bishops Finger (English bitter)

    and any Czech beer/lager, although usually drink Stella Artois and John Smiths Smooth.

    &lt;HICK.... Ooops.... gives me wind!&gt;

    :eek: <img src="graemlins/lol.gif" border="0" alt="[Laughing]" />
  • Reply 15 of 15
    der kopfder kopf Posts: 2,275member
    Good that you hit upon Belgium's field of specialty par excellence (please, let me dream, what with Interbrew being the second largest beer-firm in the world).

    I seriously like a Hoegaarden once in a while, or a Brugse Tripel (drink three and you're done for!, woohoo, my home town ). Maybe a Jupiler if I'm a bit drunk already. Or a Mort Subite if I'm really thirsty.

    However, the one I probably like most is a large pint of Guinness in a real Irish pub, preferably in Ireland, consumed while talking to one of them Irish lookers. Yarr! <img src="graemlins/lol.gif" border="0" alt="[Laughing]" />
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