IPHONE Universal Language Translating Technology

in iPhone edited January 2014
Back in 2004 I contacted a patent lawyer as well as Apple, Verizon, ATT, Nokia, Samsung, among others about a cell phone that would be a true Universal Voice Translating Device that would be used for cell phone to cell phone calls to anyone speaking any language. The techology would allow for an app to instantly recognize the different languages spoken just with the first word, "hello". The words spoken on one end would come out on the other in the recievers language. It would also have a mode that could be used in person to person converstations just by speaking into the cell phone by both parties. Instant, no language barrier, a true Universal Language Translating device.

I know back in 2004 IBM was working on this technology as well as many other big players.

Here is my point. APPLE NEEDS THIS to be a feature on the IPHONE 5 OR IPHONE 6.

The first one with the first truly Universal Language Translating device will TAKE even more market share.


It is now 7 years later and I think Apple could be the first to get this technology to work quickly using todays network speeds to make it so...



  • Reply 1 of 3
    vfrtxnvfrtxn Posts: 6member
    Originally Posted by vfrtxn View Post

    Back in 2004 I contacted a patent lawyer as well as Apple, Verizon, ATT, Nokia, Samsung, among others about a cell phone that would be a true Universal Voice Translating Device that would be used for cell phone to cell phone calls to anyone speaking any language. The techology would allow for an app to instantly recognize the different languages spoken just with the first word, "hello". The words spoken on one end would come out on the other in the recievers language. It would also have a mode that could be used in person to person converstations just by speaking into the cell phone by both parties. Instant, no language barrier, a true Universal Language Translating device.

    I know back in 2004 IBM was working on this technology as well as many other big players.

    Here is my point. APPLE NEEDS THIS to be a feature on the IPHONE 5 OR IPHONE 6.

    The first one with the first truly Universal Language Translating device will TAKE even more market share.


    It is now 7 years later and I think Apple could be the first to get this technology to work quickly using todays network speeds to make it so...

    Go APPLE

    I am NOT talking about something this slow or far from Apple perfection.

    Apple needs to perfect it and get it on the IPhone 5.

    Hurry Apple, this will take market share to higher highs for a long time to come
  • Reply 2 of 3
    gatorguygatorguy Posts: 24,569member
    Google is already in the process of making this happen.

  • Reply 3 of 3
    vfrtxnvfrtxn Posts: 6member
    Originally Posted by Gatorguy View Post

    Google is already in the process of making this happen.


    thank you for the link.

    maybe Apple will beat Google to the punch.

    wish back in 2004 I had the programming smarts to corner the patent but the idea had no worth back then because a lot of people were already working on it.

    Again thanks for the link.
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