Corrupted Safari download?
I downloaded Safari 5.0.5 (5533.21.1) some months ago. All went well until I tried to boot it up for the first time. I have a MacBookPro (2007) Build 9L30, version 10.5.8. This "new" version of safari would not fully open but remains partially open. This version shows the blue activity highlite moving from left to right, and it covers "http"; thereafter without any blue highliting, the caption reads "://". Nothing I do will allow this brownser to get up and go.The Page remains about half-sized. I have deleted it and re-downloaded it a few times. I took it into the closest Mac Genius Bar and I got a rather incomprehensible description of what may have happened: apparently a download can, occasionally, mess up the structure of the OS and change it to the extent that it will need to be clean installed. That sounded extremely complicated. I gave up PC's and bought into Macs (my family now have three macbookpros) just to avoid complicated screw-ups. I am going to visit another Genius soon but thought I would ask you geniuses out there if you can help me out. I think I am not getting some updates from Apple because of the non-functioning Safari. Any helpful thoughts?
You can try using the webkit builds:
Webkit is what Safari is based on, Apple just gives you releases at certain stages of development but the nightly build is the latest version with the most up-to-date features.
If you do need to do a system install, you'd start up from your system disc by holding the c-key and do an archive install, which won't affect your data.
Thanks for that. It is the Apple start page I am referring to. It will not allow me to bring up any other page- it merely get the url appearing in the search box but with the blue highlite covering only the http bit. I will check out the link you sent.
I downloaded the file at the link you suggested but when I try to open it the page will not load (just as per the Safari Apple page). The blue highlite stops after the colon (file and will not move right over the rest of the address (///volume ....).\
Hi Marvin,
I downloaded the file at the link you suggested but when I try to open it the page will not load (just as per the Safari Apple page). The blue highlite stops after the colon (file and will not move right over the rest of the address (///volume ....).\
It may not have downloaded the file correctly if Safari is broken - Did you download it using another computer/browser? If not, you can use the terminal app in /Applications/Utilities/Terminal. Copy/paste in the following:
curl > ~/Downloads/webkit.dmg
That will download the webkit.dmg file to your downloads folder. You'd then mount the .dmg and drag the webkit app into the Applications folder.
Now have new problem- I have Boot Camp installed. It seems I cannot update my Safari browser because there isn't enough space the hard drive. So I want to reduce the amount of space that Boot Camp has dedicated to Windows by deleting most of the programs there (including Steam and a large game). My question is: once I have freed up a huge portion of the hard drive on the Windows side, how can I "give" that space back to the mac in order that I can download all the updates available? Any tips here? I basically want to increase the amount of space the mac can use and reduce the space the Windows/Bootcamp side uses. Thanks.
Thanks to Martin for his tips.
Yeah, thanks Martin.
once I have freed up a huge portion of the hard drive on the Windows side, how can I "give" that space back to the mac in order that I can download all the updates available?
The easiest way to do it is to clone the contents of the Windows drive to an external drive using WinClone:
Then delete the partition using Bootcamp assistant and create a smaller partition with the same assistant.
Finally, use WinClone to put the clone back in place. Make sure the new partition you create is big enough to hold your cloned system.