can't back-up I tunes to my USB drive

in Genius Bar edited January 2014
I'm trying to back up my ancient G4 laptop's hard drive. I'm using a USB drive--A LaCie Phillipe Starck 500GB model--and doing it manually. Yeah, Yeah I should buy a decent drive (FW, right?) and a good back-up program but in the mean time this is what I have to work with. I'm getting various failure messages. The first didn't specify which files or apps were not being copied--it made a reference to permissions and I just said ok and continued. Then I got another error message when the file copying (OS 10.4.11) que got to the I-Tunes app (7.1 59)--that the alias" I-pod updater" could not be copied perhaps because the destination source does not support that kind of file. At that point hitting "ok" ends the file copy attempt, with only a few kb of the Itunes app being copied.

Any suggestions for a work around? Disk Utility doesn't tell me what the formatting scheme is on the disk. I assume it's HFS+ but I'm not 100% on that. It says the partition scheme is Apple, and it's not SMART enabled but I can't see how that matters when all I'm trying to do is copy files.


  • Reply 1 of 1
    MarvinMarvin Posts: 15,435moderator
    Originally Posted by Ptrash View Post

    I'm using a USB drive--A LaCie Phillipe Starck 500GB model--and doing it manually. Yeah, Yeah I should buy a decent drive (FW, right?) and a good back-up program but in the mean time this is what I have to work with.

    You can use Carbon Copy Cloner and it will backup everything - just make sure not to delete other files if you use it for something other than backups.

    Originally Posted by Ptrash View Post

    Disk Utility doesn't tell me what the formatting scheme is on the disk. I assume it's HFS+ but I'm not 100% on that.

    It should tell you if you click on the partition and look near the bottom of the window. You can also click the drive in the Finder and hit command-i and it will tell you there.
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