iPad 3 article on Dallas Biz Journal

in Future Apple Hardware edited January 2014
I saw this article today while looking at AAPL stock stories on yahoo. http://www.bizjournals.com/dallas/news/2011/06/20/report-apple-ipad-3-details-leaked.html?ana=yfcpc I was wondering what everyone thinks the chances are of an iPad 3 before the end of the year. I was planning on getting an iPad 2 next month but would really like to see a higher res display. I realize that always waiting for the next best thing would equal me never buying one, but I would also be disappointed if it was only a couple months. So should I buy or no?

BTW, about the only things that I could think of that would make me really want a new one over the 2 would be higher res screen and faster processing/graphics. 3D or better cameras or thinner/lighter wouldn't really matter that much.


  • Reply 1 of 3
    nvidia2008nvidia2008 Posts: 9,262member
    With the iPhone 5 launch around September, I don't see how Apple has enough resources to pull of a 2nd manufacturing shift of the year to put out the iPad 3. It just doesn't make sense.

    They're ramping iPad 2 production as much as possible to get as many iPad 2s out the door and into customers' hands. A shift to iPad 3 just as they're hitting the peak, especially having to source new components, a higher-res display, plus making sure it works well with iOS 5, but still using an A5 chip, just sounds crazy.

    Get the iPad 2 now, enjoy it. If for any amazingly unlikely event the iPad 3 comes out, you can always sell the iPad 2 for a good price, or decide to hold on to your iPad 2 until the iPad 4.
  • Reply 2 of 3
    Apple updates consumer electronics once a year. The only exceptions to that rule I can think of are the 2nd generation iPod and the iPod Photo. As such, there is no reason to believe there will be any updates until 2011.
  • Reply 3 of 3
    wizard69wizard69 Posts: 13,377member
    Mainly because I expect Apple to squeeze a lot of new technology into the next iPad. This technology will require a bit of development time.

    However I could see Apple debuting an iPad 2.5 for the holiday shopping season. Mainly to be able to compete with HP's tablet if it ever comes out.

    The thing is iPad2 sales are still very strong so there is little incentive for Apple to release something better. For Apple it is far better to make iPad3 a significant step forward, just as iPad 2 was a big step up from iPad1.

    So what am i thinking about when I see this big step forward with iPad 3? Well 28nm SoC technology for a start. I'm still expecting Cortex A9 cores but in this case four of them and running slightly faster. This SoC will have built in support for TB and USB 3. Ideally they will move to a blade SSD for storage thus interfaces for that. The reason for the blade SSD is to get wear leveling and other features in the product, which are important as the "I" devices move away from being media storage machines.
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