VNC / Remote Desktop Sharing issues

in Genius Bar edited January 2014
I've been having chronic troubles accessing my Mac from a Windows machine using the VNC protocol. It may be a configuration issue, I'm trying different settings such as compression methods but to no avail.

I can connect from Windows to Windows reliably, and Mac to Mac reliably. Connecting between platforms has long been pretty unreliable.

If you regularly connect to a Mac from Windows, can you please let me know what software (and if applicable, any custom settings) you use on the Windows side?

I've used the RealVNC and TightVNC clients. I recall trying others but they were worse.

I've used Apple's built-in Screen Sharing server, as well as Vine Server, both have problems, Apple's just stalls out, requiring that I physically go to that computer and restart the service. Vine Server sometimes randomly disconnects, other times doesn't direct keyboard input to the correct app. How that is possible, I don't know.


  • Reply 1 of 4
    parttimerparttimer Posts: 250member
    Originally Posted by JeffDM View Post

    I've been having chronic troubles accessing my Mac from a Windows machine using the VNC protocol. It may be a configuration issue, I'm trying different settings such as compression methods but to no avail.

    I can connect from Windows to Windows reliably, and Mac to Mac reliably. Connecting between platforms has long been pretty unreliable.

    If you regularly connect to a Mac from Windows, can you please let me know what software (and if applicable, any custom settings) you use on the Windows side?

    I've used the RealVNC and TightVNC clients. I recall trying others but they were worse.

    I've used Apple's built-in Screen Sharing server, as well as Vine Server, both have problems, Apple's just stalls out, requiring that I physically go to that computer and restart the service. Vine Server sometimes randomly disconnects, other times doesn't direct keyboard input to the correct app. How that is possible, I don't know.

    Try free Teamviewer. It's cross-platform. I use it from Mac-to-Mac and from Android-to-Mac. To support a couple Macs 10 miles from here, and a couple across the pond. Works great on WiFi. It's got a free full Windows client too.
  • Reply 2 of 4
    jeffdmjeffdm Posts: 12,953member
    Originally Posted by Parttimer View Post

    Try free Teamviewer. It's cross-platform. I use it from Mac-to-Mac and from Android-to-Mac. To support a couple Macs 10 miles from here, and a couple across the pond. Works great on WiFi. It's got a free full Windows client too.

    Sorry for the late reply, but this is a considerable improvement in speed and reliability, thank you!
  • Reply 3 of 4

    Try using gosupportnow remote support tool in order to establish remote connection between MAC and Windows computers. It is easy to use and works well on both Windows and MAC. Alternatively, you can even consider deploying on premise remote support appliance such as Bomgar or RHUB appliances for remotely accessing MAC or Windows computers. 
  • Reply 4 of 4
    Try using remote support tool. It is very easy to use, works on both MAC and Windows and cost only $19.95 / month.
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