Laurie Garrett: Iraq, WEF, copyright...

in General Discussion edited January 2014
Though I should post this since it has so much that we are all interested in. Laurie Garrett was given a full-access pass to the WEF forum and wrote an e.mail to some of her friends (and it spread) describing the experience and listing what the Leaders of Earth see of the future. A lot of it had to do with Iraq and that EVERYONE sees it causing a global economic crisis. Anyway, the copyright part has to do with her trying to remove the e.mail from all sorts of websites saying it is under copyright. Anyway, read for yourself.

Here's the link to the email:

<a href=""; target="_blank">WEF and Iraq</a>

And here is the info on her and copyright (make sure to read through to the epilogue):

<a href=""; target="_blank">Garret discussion @ yale</a>

BTW: This is not made up, as you can see in the yale link.

[ 02-28-2003: Message edited by: giant ]</p>


  • Reply 1 of 2
    pfflampfflam Posts: 5,053member
    this is fascinating:goes to show, what I have said elsewhere: the US stands to isolate itself, not just in terms of "popular opinion" but in real economic terms..... these are the heads of world business talking here..... not lefty wackos

    it shows that we need to start thinking in more subtle and sophisticated ways about diplomacy . . . . that is, if we can do anything at all about our future economically speaking . . . it also shows a possible unavoidable scenario where our supremecy turns out to have been a bubble and its bursting brings down a lot more than just our economy . . . . hmmm?!
  • Reply 2 of 2
    Is this single leaked email the "liberal media" I keep hearing so much about?

    edit: I liked how she called the ruling elite naive about technology and then tries to stuff the genie back in the bottle by threatening websites with the email over copyright.

    She could at least tried to salvage some dignity from this.

    [ 03-01-2003: Message edited by: stupider...likeafox ]</p>
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