Apple Sells Apps Faster Than McDonald?s Sells Hamburgers

in General Discussion edited January 2014


Apple recently announced that they?d sold just over 15 billion apps in just three years, which got ZDNet?s Eric Lai doing some number crunching, and it turns out that the App Store has just passed a big milestone: Apple?s now selling apps faster than McDonald?s can sell hamburgers.

That?s actually nine times faster than McDonald?s sells hamburgers. Of course, a lot here has to do with delivery method: if McDonald?s could squirt out cheeseburger?s through a smartphone screen, I?m guessing they could match Apple?s App Store numbers. That?s one thing to look forward to in the future, right?


  • Reply 1 of 1
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member
    Well, yeah...

    Considering McDonald's hasn't even sold a billion sandwiches since at least 1993. I remember being a kid and just waiting for that "99 billion" sign to switch over to 100... and it never happened.
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