Linksys router for shared Mac/pc use on DSL
Does anyone have successful experience using a Linksys Etherfast cable/dsl router on Earthlink?
How did you manage the configuration? And how did you get Earthlink to give you the necessary fixed IP Net/Subnet Mask/Default Gateway/Default DNS IP Address information?
Does anyone have successful experience using a Linksys Etherfast cable/dsl router on Earthlink?
How did you manage the configuration? And how did you get Earthlink to give you the necessary fixed IP Net/Subnet Mask/Default Gateway/Default DNS IP Address information?
Does anyone have successful experience using a Linksys Etherfast cable/dsl router on Earthlink?
How did you manage the configuration? And how did you get Earthlink to give you the necessary fixed IP Net/Subnet Mask/Default Gateway/Default DNS IP Address information?
What is your connection like currently to Earthlink? Do you have a dynamic or static address? If it is dynamic you can set your linksys to automatically obtain an IP from your ISP and as such you won't need to enter any of that other information.
If you have a static IP or want to enter all of that data you should be able to get it all from looking at the network properties on your computers. On Windows 9x you get there by typing winipcfg into the run dialog box. In Win2k and WinXP you go to Run, type cmd to bring up command prompt, then ipconfig/all to show all connection properties. DNS, IP, gateway and all that jazz will be shown. Don't remember offhand how to check it on your mac, sorry
This probally should go in the Genius Bar btw (that is where you can ask technical questions and receive feedback from others.) I'm transferring this thread there, it will remain here in a locked state.
[ 11-12-2001: Message edited by: Eskimo ]</p>
What you need to do is use the router's browser interface to configure two things:
1. What you want your internal network to use to access Earthlink.
2. How the router connects to Earthlink.
Access the router with your browser. I think the default IP address is, and the default passwd is "admin", and no login name. (You should change the passwd soon!)
Click the Setup tab. Here you specify your connection to Earthlink and the address of the router.
Under where it says "LAN IP Address," you can set the IP address of the router itself. This is the address you will use for "Router" setting in your Mac (& PC) Network control panel. It's okay with the default, which is probably Set the subnet mask to
Under "WAN IP Address," you probably should set this to "Obtain an IP Address Automatically" (unless Earthlink has given you a static IP address, which is not likely).
Under "Login," select "PPPoE" unless Earthlink tells you otherwise. Enter your User Name and passwd if needed.
Leave the "Keep Alive" setting alone unless Earthlink tells you to change it.
Click "Apply" at the bottom of the page.
Click the "Status" tab. Everything should show as you entered it for the LAN stuff, and the WAN IP address should be whatever Earthlink assigned you. (This IP address may change often.)
Take note of the DNS server(s) IP address(es) under WAN. You *may* have to enter these addresses in your Mac's Network control panel.
Now, go to your *Mac's* Network control panel. Enter the following, given that the router's IP address are and it's subnet mask is
IP address:
Subnet mask:
DNS servers (if needed): Enter whatever was reported under WAN on the "Status" tab of the router config page.
That should get you started. If you need more help, give me shout.
Between your helpful directions and those of John Strung on the MacFixit forums, I'm now sharing DSL with my pc-using wife (though only after I replaced the crappy generic WinDoze network interface card with a Linksys card).
Semper Mac!