144 pin SODIMM in PowerBook G3?

in Genius Bar edited January 2014
I have an extra 256MB SODIMM which I'd like to put in a PowerBook G3 266 (the PBG3 generation just before the Bronze keyboard models). Will this work?

I checked Apple's Spec database and it says it takes 144 pin SDRAM. The RAM I have was originally purchased for use in a Rev. A iBook.

Any thoughts?

Thanks in advance,



  • Reply 1 of 1
    enderender Posts: 353member
    Yes, that RAM will work just fine in the PB G3. It is probably PC-66, so just make sure you don't use it in anything much newer than that machine (newer PowerBooks/iBooks take PC-100 RAM, and the newest G4 PowerBooks take PC-133 RAM). <a href="http://www.everymac.com"; target="_blank">EveryMac</a> has thorough mac specs and will tell you exactly what type of RAM each model requires.

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