iMac Memory Upgrade

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in Current Mac Hardware edited January 2014

I am sorry to ask such a dumb question but I am really stuck on this. Just got a new 27" iMac 3.1GHz. And I want/need to upgrade to 8GB but thinking of pushing to 16GB. But I cannot find a suitable memory supplier. Can anyone help? (Below are links to the different sites I have checked out)

RamJet - $300 for 16GB (Had anyone used them?)

Crucial - Someone needs to explain this to me. 16GB kit for $800 but 8GB kit (4GB x2) for $54 so two 8GB kits for 16GB of ram is $108

OWC - OWC 16GB for $146 OR Samsung 16GB (4x 4GB) for $180. (Can someone tell me though why the OWC memory has PC1 in front of it instead of PC3 like the rest of them?)

If anyone has used any of these, your insight would be most appreciated.


  • Reply 1 of 9
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member
    RAM is RAM is RAM. Go to OWC's website to see what RAM you need for your model and then buy that kind of RAM from Newegg. DO NOT GO TO THE "MAC RAM" SECTION. Get the regular RAM and get whatever kind you want.
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  • Reply 2 of 9
    I'm getting a 27" iMac on Monday and will buy 16GB of the OWC memory

    Been using OWC memory for well over 10 years without a problem plus their customer support is EXCELLENT...

    hope that helps

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  • Reply 3 of 9
    backtomacbacktomac Posts: 4,579member
    Originally Posted by Mr.G View Post

    Crucial - Someone needs to explain this to me. 16GB kit for $800 but 8GB kit (4GB x2) for $54 so two 8GB kits for 16GB of ram is $108

    The 16 gb kit is two 8 gb modules. That's why its ungodly expensive.

    I've always bought crucial RAM and have had good results. OWC is also supposed to be very good.

    If you go to 16 gbs just get 4x4 gbs modules. That will be more economical that 2x 8 gb modules. You have 4 RAM slots in that iMac so there is no need to get the 2x 8 gb modules.

    Unless you know that your going to need 16 gbs of RAM just get two more 2 gbs modules and stay at 8 gbs of RAM total. That's more than enough for most users.
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  • Reply 4 of 9
    Crucial makes good RAM, but their customer support is what makes them great. They'll replace a module no questions asked. And they actually make the RAM they sell, as Crucial is the retail brand of Micron. Their budget brand, Rendition, is the exact same memory but without the support.

    If you avoid the "gamer" brands/product lines, it's really hard to buy bad memory.
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  • Reply 5 of 9
    cgjcgj Posts: 276member
    This is a seriously stupid question, BUT:

    I currently have 4GB on my iMac, and System Profiler is telling me I have four RAM slots. Two of them filled with 2GB modules. Could I simply add an extra two 2GB modules? Or do the top RAM slots have to have a certain value more then the bottom ones?

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  • Reply 6 of 9
    Originally Posted by CGJ View Post

    This is a seriously stupid question, BUT:

    I currently have 4GB on my iMac, and System Profiler is telling me I have four RAM slots. Two of them filled with 2GB modules. Could I simply add an extra two 2GB modules? Or do the top RAM slots have to have a certain value more then the bottom ones?


    Each slot will recognize up to a 4GB module (and possibly up to 8GB, if money is no object) ... you CAN have different sizes in different slots.

    So, yes... you can just add RAM to the empty slot(s) you already have.
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  • Reply 7 of 9
    Originally Posted by henryq View Post

    It is all Bush's fault

    It's late, I'm tired, and in a mood for a laugh. Care to explain what this has to do with anything about Macs?
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  • Reply 8 of 9
    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post

    It's late, I'm tired, and in a mood for a laugh. Care to explain what this has to do with anything about Macs?

    I'm guessing it was just a one-post-wonder from the land of automated forum trolls.

    My prefs are set to hide signatures, but I'm gonna guess that one is probably full of links to spam or porn or Windows viruses.
     0Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 9 of 9
    Originally Posted by KingOfSomewhereHot View Post

    I'm guessing it was just a one-post-wonder from the land of automated forum trolls.

    My prefs are set to hide signatures, but I'm gonna guess that one is probably full of links to spam or porn or Windows viruses.

    Nope, doesn't have one. Missed opportunity, really.
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