iTunes App store: impossible to sort apps?
Is it possible to sort by popularity ratings on iTunes App store?
It appears we can't sort at all.
App Store doesn't seem discoverable. I want popular and free iPad apps. It's painful. Android Market does this easily.
It would be nice to be able to sort the App store just like a Finder window. Sort by: Size, Popularity, etc. As of now you can sort only by Date or device in some but not all places. Importantly...When you do a Search there is NO way to sort. No "advanced search". I really want to sort apps by PRICE. Is any of this possible? I didn't see how.
Also I put a document onto an app in iTunes (neu.Notes) and it won't let me DELETE it. That window where it shows apps that can have documents you can move back and forth. I wish I could just pop open the iPad in a Finder window like I can with my Android, which just appears as a disk. Is there a way to do this?
It appears we can't sort at all.
App Store doesn't seem discoverable. I want popular and free iPad apps. It's painful. Android Market does this easily.
It would be nice to be able to sort the App store just like a Finder window. Sort by: Size, Popularity, etc. As of now you can sort only by Date or device in some but not all places. Importantly...When you do a Search there is NO way to sort. No "advanced search". I really want to sort apps by PRICE. Is any of this possible? I didn't see how.
Also I put a document onto an app in iTunes (neu.Notes) and it won't let me DELETE it. That window where it shows apps that can have documents you can move back and forth. I wish I could just pop open the iPad in a Finder window like I can with my Android, which just appears as a disk. Is there a way to do this?
It's ludicrous. We need subcategories of subcategories of the categories right now.
Yep. There's basically no way to find any of the 450,000+ apps in the App Store unless you know exactly who made it or its name and can type it in.
It's ludicrous. We need subcategories of subcategories of the categories right now.
Thanks Tallest for providing more good info for an iPad newb! I'm a bit surprised the App Store is so...useless. I was hoping I was missing something obvious.
Another question. I downloaded some apps like You Need a Map to my Mac. But they are geyed out and say "waiting" on iPad. I turned it off and on a few times and hit sync. They are still greyed out and not transferred. Thoughts? They're successfully downloaded to my Mac, just not transferring to the iPad. Again..wishing I could just drag them on to it like a disk like Android and manage it in Finder.
It would be nice to be able to sort the App store just like a Finder window. Sort by: Size, Popularity, etc.
There is a column view layout for the App Store but it's very slow and while it has popularity listings, it doesn't list them for all apps so is useless.
Personally, I'd like to exclude apps with a score of less than 4/5 and unrated apps. I just want to find good apps but I guess they are afraid people will see how few good apps there actually are.
The solution is don't buy apps and don't use the App Store. They'll get the message if enough people do it.
There is a column view layout for the App Store but it's very slow and while it has popularity listings, it doesn't list them for all apps so is useless.
Personally, I'd like to exclude apps with a score of less than 4/5 and unrated apps. I just want to find good apps but I guess they are afraid people will see how few good apps there actually are.
The solution is don't buy apps and don't use the App Store. They'll get the message if enough people do it.
Can you get apps from other places and just load them in like Android APKs?
I thought that needed a jailbreak or something. I don't want to do that, mainly because I'm too lazy to have to jailbreak every time an update comes out.
Can you get apps from other places and just load them in like Android APKs?
I thought that needed a jailbreak or something.
It does. It doesn't if the apps are yours and you're a developer loading them in directly from Xcode, but otherwise?
Can you get apps from other places and just load them in like Android APKs?
I thought that needed a jailbreak or something. I don't want to do that, mainly because I'm too lazy to have to jailbreak every time an update comes out.
I meant don't bother with apps or at least just stick with ones you know you will use. The vast majority of them are useless. Until Apple gives us a way to filter out the junk, just don't waste the effort trying. If enough people just abandon the App Store, they'll do something about fixing it.
Do they seriously expect that anyone has the time to sift through 400,000 apps without exclusion filters, make it through a few hundred and then the next day, have to try and sift through hundreds of unique ones? It's a badly designed system that essentially forces users to rely on the charts - the charts where the same apps hang around for months.
Other app stores aren't any better but there are clear steps they can take e.g
- allow excluding apps with low ratings
- allow excluding unrated apps
- allow excluding apps from certain time frames (I may only want to see new apps)
- allow me to ignore apps I've already seen and decided I don't want, ever. I don't want to see them in the charts, I don't want to see them in Genius or anywhere on the store. Blank it out if necessary, just give me a blacklist.
With these options, I would quickly be able to filter the crap out of the way once and for all but for some reason, they don't want to do this. I suspect they won't want people to see how few 4/5 and above apps there actually are on the store.