September 11, 2001

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in AppleOutsider edited January 2014
On the morning of 9/11 I was in my San Francisco budget apartment getting ready to go to work (about 1 year into my first job out of college) and was woken up by a phone call from my brother in Australia at about 5 or 6 am. I remember the sun was already out. I recall my brother saying, "Do you know what's going on? I think mum and dad have been trying to reach you". I was like, huh?

I turned on the old skool TV in my apartment and saw one of the towers burning, one had collapsed already IIRC. Then I saw the second tower collapse.

Being in my early 20s it was both terrifying but also I had a strange rush of adrenaline, it felt surreal and as though I was somehow personally thrust into a Hollywood movie, like the kind I grew up watching.

I won't ramble on, but just want to say I wish for peace for those who have suffered, and peace in the world.


  • Reply 1 of 3
    Originally Posted by nvidia2008 View Post

    On the morning of 9/11 I was in my San Francisco budget apartment getting ready to go to work (about 1 year into my first job out of college) and was woken up by a phone call from my brother in Australia at about 5 or 6 am. I remember the sun was already out. I recall my brother saying, "Do you know what's going on? I think mum and dad have been trying to reach you". I was like, huh?

    I turned on the old skool TV in my apartment and saw one of the towers burning, one had collapsed already IIRC. Then I saw the second tower collapse.

    Being in my early 20s it was both terrifying but also I had a strange rush of adrenaline, it felt surreal and as though I was somehow personally thrust into a Hollywood movie, like the kind I grew up watching.

    I won't ramble on, but just want to say I wish for peace for those who have suffered, and peace in the world.

    I recall it as if it happened yesterday. The feelings I had, alongside the rest of the US public (and much of the world) was "shock and awe".
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  • Reply 2 of 3
    This is one of the two events in my life that I will never forget.

    I remember trying to comfort a coworker because she was worried about her mother that lives in NYC. Several minutes later I got word that my brother-in-law was on the second plane. To this day I still can't watch the images on TV.
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  • Reply 3 of 3
    Originally Posted by JupiterOne View Post

    This is one of the two events in my life that I will never forget.

    I remember trying to comfort a coworker because she was worried about her mother that lives in NYC. Several minutes later I got word that my brother-in-law was on the second plane. To this day I still can't watch the images on TV.

    Wow. I offer you my sympathies, though I know that is small comfort.
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