Trash problem

in Genius Bar edited January 2014
Ok, first things first, I am in X.1.2. I deleted some stuff from another partition in osx. I go empty the trash, and everything deletes, but one empty folder. This folder, "temporary items" is empty and I have full privileges. OS X will not let me delete this folder! Everytime I get this message, "The operation cannot be completed because you do not have sufficient privileges for "0"." Whats more, if I log in as root, the folder isnt even in the trash! What is going on here?


  • Reply 1 of 5
    When you log in as root, you have a different Trash can.

    Seriously. Each user has a hidden directory in the home called .Trash. The easy way to force the trash to empty is through a simple terminal command. Warning: you use the terminal at your own risk. Serious damage may result from any minor typos. That said, try:[code]sudo rm -R ~.Trash/</pre><hr></blockquote>
  • Reply 2 of 5
    [localhost:~] dan% sudo rm -R ~.Trash/

    Unknown user: .Trash.

    [localhost:~] dan%
  • Reply 3 of 5
    Oops! Damn! I'm glad I didn't make that typo somewhere else!![code]sudo rm -R ~/.Trash/</pre><hr></blockquote>Like I said, ya gotta be real careful with these terminal commands!

    [ 01-31-2002: Message edited by: starfleetX ]</p>
  • Reply 4 of 5
    Although the process that you gave me worked, the folder is still in the trash and I still can't get rid of it.
  • Reply 5 of 5
    noahjnoahj Posts: 4,503member
    Sometimes when I put something in the trash it will not delete unless I open the trash and choose to empty the trash from the open window. If that does not work then the other thing I can come up with is that the folder Temporary Items is a system folder that has to be there. Put it back and leave it alone.
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