Confirmed, Final Cut Pro

in Genius Bar edited January 2014
I just installed FCP 3 on a PB G4 550 (for wrestleing video shots), and i get this error message when i start it up it says something about Final Cut Pro requires a System ID File. What Can i do???


  • Reply 1 of 20
    nebagakidnebagakid Posts: 2,692member
    Knock Knock.....

    Telegram here for "The Great One"...

    Hey, dumbass, first of all, this topic would go in GENIUS BAR, and second of all, CONFIRMED?

    You are tiny bit confused oh Great One/Dumbass. <img src="graemlins/bugeye.gif" border="0" alt="[Skeptical]" /> <img src="graemlins/hmmm.gif" border="0" alt="[Hmmm]" /> <img src="graemlins/oyvey.gif" border="0" alt="[No]" />
  • Reply 2 of 20
    barvowbarvow Posts: 64member
    I'll admit that the "Confirmed" part doesn't make sense, but lighten up on a first time poster.
  • Reply 3 of 20
    gigawiregigawire Posts: 196member
    [quote]I just installed FCP 3 on a PB G4 550 (for wrestleing video shots), and i get this error message when i start it up it says something about Final Cut Pro requires a System ID File. What Can i do???<hr></blockquote>

    You might want to try actually buying final cut pro, then installing it with that disc.
  • Reply 4 of 20
    amorphamorph Posts: 7,112member
    Moving to Genius Bar.
  • Reply 5 of 20
    matsumatsu Posts: 6,558member
    What is the nature of FCP copyright protection, and what do they mean by system ID file?
  • Reply 6 of 20
    dhagan4755dhagan4755 Posts: 2,152member
    Final Cut Pro is copyprotected in two ways. First, the CD is specially encoded so that it can't be duplicated. The other copy protection is what you're talking about by giving a message that it can't run because of the System ID. The system ID is what you find in the System Profiler and is unique to your system. This prevents the installed application from being copied to another computer.
  • Reply 7 of 20
    matsumatsu Posts: 6,558member
    Forgive my thickness, but, on the second point, how would the disc 'know' how many, or what if any, previous computers it had been installed on?

    Does it require a form of internet verification?

    If I buy a copy of final cut pro and want to back it up is this impossible? Do I have to put the original in a vault somewhere in case someone screws it up, or (as long as I produce proof of purchase) will Apple be understanding of my plight should the original be in any way damaged?
  • Reply 8 of 20
    nebrienebrie Posts: 483member
    [quote]Originally posted by Matsu:

    <strong>Forgive my thickness, but, on the second point, how would the disc 'know' how many, or what if any, previous computers it had been installed on?

    Does it require a form of internet verification?


    Note how he said it was the "installed application", not the disc that knows where it's been installed.
  • Reply 9 of 20
    nebrienebrie Posts: 483member
    [quote]Originally posted by Matsu:


    If I buy a copy of final cut pro and want to back it up is this impossible? Do I have to put the original in a vault somewhere in case someone screws it up, or (as long as I produce proof of purchase) will Apple be understanding of my plight should the original be in any way damaged?</strong><hr></blockquote>

    I remember reading that the way to do that would be to make a disk image of the disc and to burn the resulting file onto a cd (as in drag and drop not disk copy).
  • Reply 10 of 20
    nebagakidnebagakid Posts: 2,692member
    Final Cut Pro is a great peice of software, and I believe, that it should not be used illegally, as to help out Apple

    EDIT:Sorry about be so harsh, I hope you accept my appology:


    [ 03-03-2002: Message edited by: Nebagakid ]</p>
  • Reply 11 of 20
    matsumatsu Posts: 6,558member
    Agreed, we love Apple. We'll only pirate from companies we hate.
  • Reply 12 of 20
    You are using and old pirated beta of FCP 2.5 that was made up to look like 3.0. That's the only reason you should be getting this error.

    Don't steal from Apple.

    <img src="graemlins/oyvey.gif" border="0" alt="[No]" />
  • Reply 13 of 20

    If you do purchase a legit copy of FCP 3, I can privately give you details on how to back it up. This will not work with the disk images floating around H and C but only with the original discs.
  • Reply 14 of 20
    matsumatsu Posts: 6,558member
    Will do, and thanks.

    I may be able to get my dept to spring for a copy or two of FCP. A couple of people have put together very good video projects (using some older tech) S-VHS mostly (and some Beta) with some ten year old decks and controllers/video-editors. We have macs, because we have money, but they are used mainly to do academic stuff, mail around some high res scans of old documents (when we're allowed to copy them) photos and such etc. It's a shame that all that video power is sitting there and nobody uses it. Even though we only have analogue, I bet a Dazzle Firewire DV box could bring a whole lot more value to our little mac lab.

    I don't have a mac at home, so I'd hardly pirate anything. We need to keep this lab up mostly on our own. The university handles our web connection, but after that the dept has to take care of everything itself. It's not really a problem since, maybe, 50 people have access to the lab, and more than half of those are never there.

    [ 03-03-2002: Message edited by: Matsu ]</p>
  • Reply 15 of 20
    In the First Place:

    1. I am not a first time poster. (i just lost my i.d and i was too lazy to recover it, so i just got a new id.

    2. I put "Confirmed" just to catch your attention.

    3. ¿Who the hell came up with the idea that the CD is a pirated copy?

    4. I bought the CD fair and square. (it is the Academic Version.)
  • Reply 16 of 20
    [quote]Originally posted by The Great One:

    <strong>4. I bought the CD fair and square. (it is the Academic Version.) </strong><hr></blockquote>

    I offer my apologies if you did indeed purchase the full version. The only instances that I have heard of this problem were related to the 2.5 beta. I have never seen the "System ID File" error in the either full release or the full upgrade version.

    I suggest removing FCP from your Mac and reinstalling it. Let us know if that still doesn't work.
  • Reply 17 of 20
    gigawiregigawire Posts: 196member
    If you are legit, you seriously should not have this problem. Since you do, then something must have gone awry during the installation, or you might even have recieved a bad disc. Reinstall, and if that does not work, I suggest contacting Apple about a replacement.

    Sorry for my smart @ss reply if you are legit.

    <img src="graemlins/hmmm.gif" border="0" alt="[Hmmm]" />

    [ 03-03-2002: Message edited by: Gigawire ]</p>
  • Reply 18 of 20
    leonisleonis Posts: 3,427member
    [quote]Originally posted by starfleetX:


    If you do purchase a legit copy of FCP 3, I can privately give you details on how to back it up. This will not work with the disk images floating around H and C but only with the original discs.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Are you referring the method I told you guys a few months ago?
  • Reply 19 of 20
    jjj2jjj2 Posts: 1member
    Please go to apple support. There was s bug that a recent update will supposedly fix. DPs are especially vulnerable to it. I have had similair probs but, no fix yet for me.

    DP 1ghz
  • Reply 20 of 20
    murbotmurbot Posts: 5,262member
    Yep Leonis, you da man.

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