iOS 5 question

in iPad edited January 2014
For those of you who track iOS features closely: as I understand it, one of the key features is that you no longer need to sync a devise with a separate computer (a great innovation, IMHO, which makes the iPad more like a real tablet computer rather than a large iPod). Further, I understand that a primary way of syncing will be via the iCloud. But, what if I have a large amount of stuff (pictures, music, whatever) that I want to upload to the iPad with iOS 5. Would you push that out via a wireless network, or would still have to sync it to a device with those files? I'm thinking the latter, but the ability to do the former would be great. Thoughts anyone?


  • Reply 1 of 3
    Either or. Wirelessly will just take longer, obviously.
  • Reply 2 of 3
    Originally Posted by ddo2 View Post

    For those of you who track iOS features closely: as I understand it, one of the key features is that you no longer need to sync a devise with a separate computer (a great innovation, IMHO, which makes the iPad more like a real tablet computer rather than a large iPod). Further, I understand that a primary way of syncing will be via the iCloud. But, what if I have a large amount of stuff (pictures, music, whatever) that I want to upload to the iPad with iOS 5. Would you push that out via a wireless network, or would still have to sync it to a device with those files? I'm thinking the latter, but the ability to do the former would be great. Thoughts anyone?

    As far as music, videos and books are concerned, there's no need to "sync" with any particular computer. Those can all be added from any computer as long as you have "manually manage" checked. I've never used sync for media on any iDevice I've owned.
  • Reply 3 of 3
    ddo2ddo2 Posts: 14member
    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post

    Either or. Wirelessly will just take longer, obviously.

    Excellent, thanks. It's hard to argue with an option.
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