iPod won't sync anymore (firewire dead)

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in Genius Bar edited January 2014
Hey I was wondering if anyone has had a problem with this. My iPod was working great for about two months, and suddenly it won't sync with iTunes anymore.

In fact, no disk utilities recognize it anymore and I just notice that my external firewire cd burner isn't working anymore either. So the problem is definitely firewire on my mac.

Anyone know why this might have stopped working and how to fix it? I did recently install 10.1.3, but I believe firewire randomly stopped working just before that.

When I boot into single user mode and run fsck it finds a problem with firewire (I don't remember the exact text), but then seems to fix it. Running fsck again immediately does not bring up the error anymore, but firewire devices still won't work.

I've tried different firewire ports and cables, and my ipod works fine on another computer. By the way, i;ve got the G4 400 tower with 832 of ram running os x 10.1.3.

Any suggestions on how to fix this?



  • Reply 1 of 5
    Here are the errors I see when running fsck and show up when booting in verbose mode too:


    Broken FireWire Phy, aborting Apple FWOHCI start()

    Apple FWOHCI: 25af000 O Apple FWOHCI::free


    So basically, firewire seems to be failing at startup and it's not even on at all when I'm trying to use it!
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  • Reply 2 of 5
    nebagakidnebagakid Posts: 2,692member
    I had this problem. What I did was just re-install everything. I had to do it twice because the first time something got fscked up.

    But, there is probably a better way to go about it. If so, please someone kick me
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  • Reply 3 of 5
    torifiletorifile Posts: 4,024member
    [quote]Originally posted by dillyo1001:

    <strong>Here are the errors I see when running fsck and show up when booting in verbose mode too:


    Broken FireWire Phy, aborting Apple FWOHCI start()

    Apple FWOHCI: 25af000 O Apple FWOHCI::free


    So basically, firewire seems to be failing at startup and it's not even on at all when I'm trying to use it!</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Do you have a hardware test cd for your computer? I'd run that if you have it. Otherwise, back up (kinda hard w/o a cd burner or use of your iPod) and reinstall.
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  • Reply 4 of 5
    neutrino23neutrino23 Posts: 1,564member
    Check macsurfer yesterday or the day before. There was just an article about this problem. In his case it was a fried FW port. His machine had an internal FW port in addition to the two external ports. The internal one is physically different from the two external connectors so it didn't get fried with the external port. He said static electricity did in the ports. Worth checking if you have an internal port.
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  • Reply 5 of 5
    nebagakidnebagakid Posts: 2,692member
    Only the first few G4's have them. I have one.

    In my case, there was something wrong with the OS, where X could not use them. Only recognize them in the Apple System Profiler.

    In OS 9.1 I was able to get them both recognized (CD-Burner and iPod)
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