iCloud support for Snow Leopard?
I remember reading a few weeks ago in one of the articles/posts something about possible support of iCloud on SL..
Any more rumours or information from Apple? (I haven't heard anything yet...).
It is not that I don't want to upgrade to Lion (I wish I could). It is that I can't, as I have an iMac from 2006, without the Intel Core Duo II (can't remember the exact specifications, but basically my processor is the one just before the minimum required)

Thanks. Hopefully this iCloud works well.... I am still a bit confused regarding Wifi Sync....
Any more rumours or information from Apple? (I haven't heard anything yet...).
It is not that I don't want to upgrade to Lion (I wish I could). It is that I can't, as I have an iMac from 2006, without the Intel Core Duo II (can't remember the exact specifications, but basically my processor is the one just before the minimum required)

Thanks. Hopefully this iCloud works well.... I am still a bit confused regarding Wifi Sync....
i run a version of a software that lion doesn't support and i only just got SL. i'm pissed at apple.
Don't worry. iCloud will come to Snow Leopard. Eventually it'll even come to Windows and Linux. It's a potentially OS-independent profit center. Just like iTunes went Windows, remember?
I really hope so, as I can't upgrade to Lion as got 2006 iMac which otherwise works great, but the hardware does not allow to be upgraded to Lion, unfortunately.
It is already support for Windows Vista!!! But not for SL, which is even newer than Vista!!
New iPhoto 9.2 works fine on my iMac, but don't have Photo Stream option available, which is a bummer as I can't transfer photos very easily between my DSLR camera and iPad, for example.... (only the old fashion way of importing to Mac, then connecting iPad to Mac with cable and sync through iTunes (I guess it will work wireless Wifi Sync too), but still will be great a Photo Stream capability for SL and iPhoto 9.2.
I really can't upgrade my iMac ..
Everything else you can't get.
(I guess it will work wireless Wifi Sync too)
It already does! And it's free!
You can use a 'personal cloud', a.k.a. a virtual USB stick, or a virtual pendrive. A 'pendrive' that you can't lose, forget, or get stolen. To sync all your photos effortlessly between your devices. Install it on your Mac, your iPad, and your iPhone or Android phone. Drag & drop the photos you want to sync on your Mac to your 'personal cloud' and HEY PRESTO they are available on all your other devices!