The Likelihood Of "Portal" On iPad 2

in iPad edited January 2014
To say that "Portal" can't be done on iPad 2 is utter, utter N-O-N-S-E-N-S-E !!*

Why ?*

Because one of "Portal" 's *virtues is it's graphics approach: a clean, crisp, sleek aesthetic is used throughout

to get across the sterile enviornment of a bleeding edge tech research facility that is the Aperture Science lab.

Add to that: "Portal" is a 2007 game: four years ago -- a geological era in the intertainment continuum.

Surely the*PowerVR SGX 543MP2 -- the GPU in iPad 2 -- "can handle" 2007 SOTA graphics ....

So, then, why isn't "Portal" on iPad 2?

I can answer that in two words ....

WORD1: Gabe.

WORD2: Newell.

The boss of vALVE, the makers of "Portal", has a bug in his -- um .... bonnet about iPad.

It seems the iPad's beneath him, as he only recently condescended to allow "Portal" to grace

the Macintosh, XBOX 360 & PlayStation 3.

An iPad version?


Perish the thought!

So what say you?

Will Gabe finally relent & let "Portal" *appear on the hottest, fastest growing gaming platform out there -- iPad.

Or, will we be forced -- as is the case before vALVE's official Macintosh release -- to persue "alternative avenues" to get Chell-On-The-Go?


  • Reply 1 of 22
    Zero percent. It can't be done? how are you going to move and control two portal colors?
  • Reply 2 of 22
    Funny you ask that.

    The 2 portal colors are ridiculous -- since you can enter/exit either color portal, the chromatic distinguishing's dumb.

    But if you insist on the blue/red millieu, what to do?

    Easy -- just point the ASHPD somewhere & then tap it with your right thumb to generate a blue portal.

    Tap it again to generate a red portal.

    Then tap it a third time to generate a blue portal again, and so on & so on ....

    What's the big deal?
  • Reply 3 of 22
    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post

    Zero percent. It can't be done… how are you going to move and control two portal colors?

    I suppose the way I do it on my MBP trackpad now. One finger click = blue portal, Two finger click = orange portal. Is that what you meant?
  • Reply 4 of 22

    The 2 portal colors are ridiculous -- since you can enter/exit either color portal, the chromatic distinguishing's dumb.

    Except this is Portal 2 where colors are needed for multiplayer.

    And it's not "ridiculous" if you'd take a second to think about why having different colors is absolutely needed.

    Originally Posted by JupiterOne View Post

    I suppose the way I do it on my MBP trackpad now. One finger click = blue portal, Two finger click = orange portal. Is that what you meant?

    Yes, but it can't be done while holding the iPad, meaning you'd have to have it in your lap or propped on a case (original) or Smart Cover (2).
  • Reply 5 of 22
    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post

    Except this is Portal 2 where colors are needed for multiplayer.

    .... except that I'm quite clear in saying that I'm talking about "Portal", not "Portal 2".

    Let's take it one step at a time.

    And while on the subject, everything I'm saying about "Portal" for iPad 2 goes for "Half-Life", as well.

    Read carefully ....

    I'm saying "Half-Life", not "Half-Life 2" or either of it's episodes.

    Not that it couldn't be done, of course ....
  • Reply 6 of 22
    Originally Posted by CaryMG View Post

    .... except that I'm quite clear in saying that I'm talking about "Portal", not "Portal 2".

    WHOA, I'm a moron. Read iPad 2 as Portal 2.

    Still, you want colors and input differentiation for them. Otherwise the game has to be completely redone.
  • Reply 7 of 22
    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post

    Yes, but it can't be done while holding the iPad, meaning you'd have to have it in your lap or propped on a case (original) or Smart Cover (2).

    True, but I guess that's how I play all of my games on the iPad (propped up on my lap). I think the only game I'd want to play while holding the iPad with two hands is some kind of car racing game where the iPad is the "steering wheel". But I don't have those kind of games.
  • Reply 8 of 22
    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post


    ... you want colors and input differentiation for them.*

    Otherwise the game has to be completely redone.

    Uh ....

    Didn't I just say how to generate a blue/red portal?

    Point the ASHPD somwhere & tap it with your right thumb: generate a blue portal.

    Repeat: generate a red portal.

    Repeat: generate a blue portal again, and so on & so on ....


    What's so difficult to grasp?
  • Reply 9 of 22
    Originally Posted by CaryMG View Post

    What's so difficult to grasp?

    The fact that that CANNOT WORK without changing most of the map layouts. You can't just willy-nilly cycle through portals. They HAVE to be generated separately.

    Have you ever played Portal?
  • Reply 10 of 22
    What in the name of all that is Holy are you talking about?!?!?

    "Changing most of the map layouts ...." ?

    Why ?

    Please to explain.
  • Reply 11 of 22
    Originally Posted by CaryMG View Post

    What in the name of all that is Holy are you talking about?!?!?

    Just go and actually play Portal and you'll see what I mean.

    You can't just cycle between portals. From what you're saying, the only possible version you could have played is Portal: The Flash Game.
  • Reply 12 of 22

    Anyone else, please ???
  • Reply 13 of 22
    Originally Posted by CaryMG View Post


    Anyone else, please ???

    Ignoring the truth doesn't make your position correct.

    I DO agree with your premise, though. Valve itself is the only thing stopping it from happening, and I certainly don't see it happening because of that. No way would they do it and give 30% to Apple and no way would Apple let them create Steam on iOS.
  • Reply 14 of 22
    MarvinMarvin Posts: 15,435moderator
    The controls look ok in this demo:

    It would be nice to see Valve port some of their games to iOS. Portal does seem the most likely out of any of them.
  • Reply 15 of 22
    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post

    Ignoring the truth doesn't make your position correct.

    Dude ....

    No joke -- is English your first language?!?*


    What "truth" am I "ignoring"?

    The "30% Cut To Apple" thing I didn't think of.

    But maybe vALVE can see the $$$ in iOS volume sales that "Portal" on iPad 2 will generate & look past that.

    Nevertheless, again, what "truth", am I "ignoring"?
  • Reply 16 of 22
    Originally Posted by CaryMG View Post


    I couldn't care less what you're saying. What you're saying is wrong.

    The colors provide at-a-glance differentiation. A player would look at two white portals and ask themselves, "Which one of these is my primary button and which is the secondary? Whoops, that's not it, now I have to place that portal back there and remember to use the other one next time."

    The controls, again, can't just cycle through colors. If you screw up placement of one color, there's absolutely no excuse in being forced to place the OTHER color where you want it before trying to place the first color again. That's just insane, and it makes some maps nigh on impossible.
  • Reply 17 of 22
    Originally Posted by CaryMG View Post


    In some maps, this is true... but there are a few maps where having two unique portals is important...

    I suppose you could be interpreted as correct in that the colors are not important... but you DO need two unique portals, and without the ability to differentiate the two at a glance the game would be almost unplayable on some maps.
  • Reply 18 of 22
    Holy Mother of Christ Jesus in the heavens above ....

    Are you braindamaged?!?

    For the FOURTH f**king time:*

    If you insist on persuing this "Portals-Must-Be-Blue-And-Orange" -- not red: sorry about that -- fetish of yours ....

    1] Point the ASHPD at a wall & tap it to make a blue portal.

    2] Point the ASHPD at a different area & tap it again to make an orange portal.*

    3] Tap the ASHPD a third time to make a blue portal again -- and so on & so forth.*

    No "changing the entire puzzle layout" -- whatever that means -- is needed.

    And to the Einstein who continues to "correct" me, AGAIN, what am I saying that's wrong????*

    Repeating the same insanity over & over & over again doesn't substantiate it.

    Dope ....
  • Reply 19 of 22
    Originally Posted by CaryMG View Post

    Holy Mother of Christ Jesus in the heavens above ....

    Are you braindamaged?!?

    I'll ask you the same question, because we've repeatedly proven that you can't have a cyclical system for two portals.

    Here's an idea: you make a game, IDENTICAL to Portal, but with this control mechanism. See if you can get through it without committing seppuku for thinking that cycling through portals was a good idea.


    If you insist on persuing this "Portals-Must-Be-Blue-And-Orange"

    You know absolutely nothing about usability.


    -- not red: sorry about that -- [b]fetish of yours ....

    If you can point out one place that I (or ANYONE) ever mentioned "red" as a need to be corrected, I will concede that your idea is the best in the history of all gaming.

    Seriously, take a break from the Internet. You're clearly unnecessarily enraged about all this.


    Einstein's proof of insanity

    Yep. That completely changes the game.


    Repeating the same insanity over & over & over again doesn't substantiate it.

    WOW, you used the same reference as me! What are the odds? I honestly hadn't read that far down in your post yet.

    Please just drop this entire argument. You've lost. Absolutely no one on Earth would buy a version of Portal that completely changes the control mechanism.

    Or maybe Valve are just a bunch of complete idiots. Portal is obviously flawed, which is why it got such universal acclaim and staggeringly high ratings. No, you're obviously right; the thousands of hours of play testing and control design that Valve did couldn't possibly have ruled out the cyclical portal placement mechanic. Nope, they're just frigging morons who don't have a clue that THIS way was OBVIOUSLY the right way to go.

    I think it's hilarious that you're still on this kick, particularly when JupiterOne offered a solution in his response to this thread: single finger for blue, two fingers for orange.
  • Reply 20 of 22
    Hey dummy ....

    Where do I say: "Someone else said 'red portals'*....

    Where ?!?

    I[ said: "red portals".

    That's why I aplogized: because in the first few messages, I kept saying "red portals".

    Where the f**k did I say: "... someone/you people/etc. keep saying 'red portal' ...."

    Where do I say that ?!?

    You can't even f**king read ....

    As to the rest of your nonsense -- me making "arguments", you saying I'm "changing" the control scheme,

    you claiming I said/implied vALVE doesn't have a clue on making the "correct" ASHPD control mechanism ....

    You're just -- your just dumb.

    You say "Portal" on iPad 2 can't possibly work because there'd be no way to use the ASPHD "correctly"

    & all I do is mention an alternative,iPad 2-centric, much easier way to use it and you're somehow able to

    mangle that into my saying 1] vALVE did it wrong & 2] My "way" of using the ASHPD on a tablet is the right way

    & the only way use it *period -- whether it's on a tablet or monitor screen.

    Wow are you schizophrenic ....

    How are you able to operate a computer?



    Apparenly there are no FPSes on tablets, 'cause tapping a weapon/device onscreen to use it --

    instead of tapping a mouse/controller button -- just wouldn't work ....

    Oh, that's right -- there are FPSes on tablet's, because tapping the weapon/device onscreen to use it does work, terrifically!*

    "Portal" would be wonderful on iPad 2 -- and so would "Half-Life".

    Let's hope vALVE doesn't fall prey to $$$ shortsightness -- being miffed at Apple's 30% take on App Store*sales -- and does what the iOS gaming community's clamoring for.

    Put down the red velvet cake, Gabe, and do this ....
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