I want to turn off the error "speach" in classic

in Genius Bar edited January 2014
I only run what I need to in classic and that right now is limited to turbo tax, but I do know that error messages and a few other dialogue boxes are "spoken" this seems like a horriable waste of CPU time and would like to know how to turn it off.

Is this a setting in OS9? how do I get to the OS9 settings? I ahve never booted into anything but X so can I do that with out changing my boot options?

Thanks guys,



  • Reply 1 of 1
    alcimedesalcimedes Posts: 5,486member
    i believe it's in conrol panels, the probably speakable items. i've had it turned off for so long i've forgotten. i do remember that it's pretty apparent once you're in the control panels area.

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