Odd Airport base station problem
Just bought and setup a new v.2 Airport base Station and got everything working just fine. I can get on the internet using my two Airport enabled Macs going through Verizon DSL. However, when I try to use the Software Update, it says it can't connect to the internet!?
Any suggestions? Perhaps it's a port number that needs to be opened in the Base Station setup? But, I would think a port number conflicting with Software Update would be disabled by default.
Any suggestions? Perhaps it's a port number that needs to be opened in the Base Station setup? But, I would think a port number conflicting with Software Update would be disabled by default.
However, I have another problem - FTP.
When uploading any file via FTP it won't go through. I cannot upload FTP through Airport! There is no port settings in the Airport Admin utility so I have no idea how to check if FTP is disabled by default. No knowledge base articles either.
<strong>Whoa, now this is freaky. :eek: Belive-it-or-not, I just realized I also have a problem with FTP. I don't know how long this has been going on. But I can log in, upload and everything, but I can't use the web anytime after that. (Until I change my IP address.) Are you using Fetch? (If so, what wersion.) I'm thinking it may be a software thingy. <img src="graemlins/bugeye.gif" border="0" alt="[Skeptical]" /> </strong><hr></blockquote>
I'm using both GoLive and Fetch - neither will work. I believe that you have to assign the IP to port mapping in the Admin Setup Utility. However, I have no idea what the publc and private port numbers are or should be.
You must set the base station to passive ftp in the base station utility. There is a checkbox for it. And just to be sure go to the Network prefs panel of OS X and under the airport settings/proxy set that to passive ftp.