Grand Theft Auto III Will Go On An App Store Killing Rampage Next Week!

in General Discussion edited January 2014


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    MarvinMarvin Posts: 15,443moderator
    Originally Posted by FriedLobster View Post


    It is said to be the full game too - no watering down. Here's a video of it in action on the iPad:

    Rockstar ported their Chinatown Wars over already but a proper game like GTA 3 with depth of play is what the platform needs.

    There's really no limit to what they can do on the platform now. When you see the graphics in games like Modern Combat:

    there's very little stopping big publishers porting huge franchises over like Bioshock, Mass Effect, full Splinter Cell titles (Double Agent for example) and dozens more. Most of these will be considered legacy titles but they can sell them at $5 to a huge market with every sale being a first time sale.
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