Quicktime on Webpages
I don't suppose anyone knows how to when u have quicktime movies on a site, have them have the little screen "click to play"?
Like on apple.com... Because I don't want my movies I putin up to just play, I want you to have to click on a screen.
anyone have any ideas?
I dunno if it an HTML thing, or sumthin in the movie, or what?
Like on apple.com... Because I don't want my movies I putin up to just play, I want you to have to click on a screen.
anyone have any ideas?
I dunno if it an HTML thing, or sumthin in the movie, or what?
<object CLASSID="clsid:02BF25D5-8C17-4B23-BC80-D3488ABDDC6B" WIDTH="480" HEIGHT="288" CODEBASE="http://www.apple.com/qtactivex/qtplugin.cab">
<param NAME="src" VALUE="http://a1744.g.akamai.net/7/1744/51/dde55bf015ebb9/www.apple.com/trailers/mgm/die_another_day/images/die_another_day-ctp.mov">
<param NAME="controller" VALUE="false">
<param NAME="target" VALUE="myself">
<param NAME="href"
VALUE="http://a772.g.akamai.net/5/772/51/117840b1e6f75f/1a1a1aaa2198c627970773d80669d84574a8d80d3cb12453c0 2589f25382f668c9329e0375e81784eb5887eb54b91879e756 ca32970968cc2da6/die_another_day-tsr1-sref.mov">
<embed WIDTH="480"
TARGET="myself" HREF="http://a772.g.akamai.net/5/772/51/117840b1e6f75f/1a1a1aaa2198c627970773d80669d84574a8d80d3cb12453c0 2589f25382f668c9329e0375e81784eb5887eb54b91879e756 ca32970968cc2da6/die_another_day-tsr1-sref.mov"
PLUGINSPAGE="http://www.apple.com/quicktime/download/indext.html"></embed> </object></pre><hr></blockquote>
I don't really understand most of it, because I'm a Dreamweaver boy myself, but from what I gather, in the <embed> tag, the HREF= the path to the movie (on the akamai servers), and the SRC= a quicktime file that is merely an image of the click to play screen.
With that knowledge, you should be able to reverse engineer it to meet your needs.
[ 05-27-2002: Message edited by: Stroszek ]</p>
When you see click to play...you are really clicking on a short movie file that points to one or several other movie files.
Let's say I have a movie trailer in 3 different sizes...56k, 128k and 300k speeds.
I would use a utility called MakeRefMovie to create trailer_ref.mov. This movie would point to trailer_56k.mov, trailer_128k.mov and trailer_300k.mov depending on what settings you have in your QuickTime preferences.
You then have to use funky ActiveX and/or Netscape style plugin code to embed the Ref movie in a webpage. When you click on the Ref movie, it will bring up one of the real movies.