Need Help Setting Up a Router

in Genius Bar edited January 2014
I am setting up a Linksys 4-port router. I have a Linksys Cable Modem (AT&T Broadband). I want to set the router up so my roommate can surf the web with her Mac in the other room. I am able to access the web based setup on the router and I have gone through and made a clone of my Cable Modem Mac Address but I still cannot access the internet.

Ideas? Solutions? I am using OSX.

[ 06-03-2002: Message edited by: Bodhi ]</p>


  • Reply 1 of 1
    allinoneallinone Posts: 279member
    Sounds like things are done correctly on the LAN side. Is your roommate able to access the router configs too?

    Have you configured the Router's WAN address properly. That's where the problem sounds like to me...
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