Advice on buying a computer on ebay

in Genius Bar edited January 2014
Has anyone out there bought a computer on ebay? Any one have advice? Does it usually end up being substantually cheaper than buying from Apple? I assume there is no warranty?


  • Reply 1 of 6
    alcimedesalcimedes Posts: 5,486member
    every auction is different. if you bide your time, and don't get into the idea that you have to have this computer now, you'll do just fine.

    however, keep an eye out for strange users. contact the seller a few times before you buy an item that expensive. look into escrow, unless you're sure they're a legit buyer.

    you can find great deals, or get ripped off. depends on how lucky you are.

  • Reply 2 of 6
    allinoneallinone Posts: 279member
    Good advice as usual from Alcimedes.

    I almost fell for a too good to be true deal on ebay a couple of weeks ago. Now it's all in the news as being a scam...

    <a href=""; target="_blank"></a>;
  • Reply 3 of 6
    stroszekstroszek Posts: 801member
    I was in CompUSA a couple of weeks ago, and they had Apple Protection Plan boxes on the shelf. I didn't really look at them because I was too preoccupied at playing with an iMac. Do they just have these to sell with the computers that they sell, or can you buy an Apple Protection Plan for any computer at any time? That is, if I do get one off of eBay, can I go to CompUSA and pick one up?

    Thanks for your help so far, it's really apprectiated.
  • Reply 4 of 6
    [quote]Originally posted by Stroszek:

    <strong>I was in CompUSA a couple of weeks ago, and they had Apple Protection Plan boxes on the shelf. I didn't really look at them because I was too preoccupied at playing with an iMac. Do they just have these to sell with the computers that they sell, or can you buy an Apple Protection Plan for any computer at any time? That is, if I do get one off of eBay, can I go to CompUSA and pick one up?

    Thanks for your help so far, it's really apprectiated.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Applecare can be purchased if you have the original box with shipping stickers and the original receipt. You have until the 1 year warranty runs out to get applecare (I THINK!).

    But it doesnt need to be purchased with the system.
  • Reply 5 of 6
    [quote]Originally posted by Stroszek:

    <strong>Has anyone out there bought a computer on ebay? Any one have advice? Does it usually end up being substantually cheaper than buying from Apple? I assume there is no warranty?</strong><hr></blockquote>

    I've bought a few macs on eBay (a couple of 7500's) and miscellaneous mac parts.


    The key thing is dont rush into anything, even if you win an auction you likely wont see the goods for almost a month.

    Check every sellers feedback. Check their previous auctions. Check a few people who won their auctions (and their feedback). If you do this to a seller you are serious about then you will gain some peace of mind. I have often seen RINGS of sellers that prop up each others feedback, when I notice patterns like this, I put them on my s&*t list.

    Anyone who buys a 800Ti with 1GB RAM + Airport from a seller with no feedback deserves exactly what they get... NOTHING.

    In 15 or so purchases I have only had a problem one time (a NIC for an LC575 was DOA) and the seller replaced the item ASAP and I didn't have to return anything or do anything. I emailed him and he promptly sent another one off... (although this is only a cheap component not a system).

    Remember, caution is your best friend. Buy ONLY from sellers with good, CURRENT, feedback. Some sellers work a series of accounts and sell to themselves to build up feedback. BUT these guys usually have gaps of months on their profiles where nothing happens and then a flurry of action.

    Buyer beware, all you can do is REDUCE the risk... I only go to eBay for things I cant get here in Canada easily (like old adapters or rare parts for old macs).

    Caveat Emptor
  • Reply 6 of 6
    [quote]Originally posted by Stroszek:

    <strong>Has anyone out there bought a computer on ebay? Any one have advice? Does it usually end up being substantually cheaper than buying from Apple? I assume there is no warranty?</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Another thing, look at 'other items from this seller' when you find a trustable seller. Good eBay sellers love repeat business and it makes you and them more comfortable with current and future transactions. If you dont have any feedback yourself contact sellers before you bid and ask if that is OK, some dont like it... but everyone starts with zero so as long as you ask most dont care.

    Spend a week or two watching the products turn over... when that Ti comes down to the last day of the auction and no one has bid on it (at $999US opening bid) then you know that guy is rip-off artist.
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