iMac Product Release Cycle

in Genius Bar edited January 2014
My wife and I are going to purchase an iMac, but don't need the computer until late August or early

September and I was wondering if there was any advantage in waiting to make the purchase?

If we were buying a PC, I would definately hold off on buying the PC as the processor speed and hard disk would be sure to increase between now and September. However, I am not familiar with Apple's product release cycle for the iMac and do not know if it is worth waiting to make the purchase. (Specifically, we are looking at the iMac Super-Drive version with a 800MHz

PowerPC G4 processor, 256K L2 cache @ 800 MHz, 256MB SDRAM, and 60GB Ultra ATA drive) I'd hate to buy the computer today and have an upgraded model come out in September with an 80 GB drive, etc. Any thoughts?


  • Reply 1 of 5
    scadboyscadboy Posts: 189member
    While these things are very difficult to predict, I'd say an update between now and september is quite likely.

    It used to be that Apple would update it's primary product line, the desktops and laptops, twice a year, once at MacWorld Expo SanFran in January, and once at MacWorld Expo Boston/NYC in July. Lately, they've taken to updating products pretty much whenever the hell they feel like it. In the case of the Titanium PowerBook G4, we saw an update in october, followed by an update in december, and then another update in April. The iBooks were also updated in october, january and april. So we can see an update cycle being as short and three months, or as long as six months, in the case of the PowerMacs.

    The iMac was introduced back in January (though technically, most deliveries occurred in early february), so we could hav e possibly hoped for an update around May, but that didn't happen. Seeing as how July is a good six months from the iMac's introduction, an update at, or maybe even sometime before July's MacWorld Expo NYC is almost certain.

    As is the case for all first generation products, especially those as new and different as the iMac, I'd recommend waiting for the first revision. I wouldn't be too worried about the harddrive, as that is a relatively cheap and easy upgrade to make. I'd wait until atleast a 1Ghz G4 was available in the iMac, and maybe a faster front-side bus.

    Aside from that, I'm not a big fan of the waiting game. It really becomes a never-ending cycle, you just have to face facts and realize that whatever you buy, whenever you buy it, something newer, better, faster, and most likely, cheaper, will be out there in three to six months. I personally like to stay just behind the bleeding edge, I bought my PowerBook G3 right before the PowerBook G4 came out, saved a heck of a lot of cash on it, and still got a very good performer.

    btw, welcome to the family,


  • Reply 2 of 5
    andymacandymac Posts: 11member
    I would agree. I would wait at least until after MWNY in July. Then if the iMacs are updated you can buy the new one or get a better deal on the one with the specs your looking at. Another thing to consider is that OS 10.2 is coming out soon and will most likely be a paid upgrade. If you wait to buy when it is shipping with the new computers, then you won't have to pay to upgrade.
  • Reply 3 of 5
    pscatespscates Posts: 5,847member
    Also, remember this: due to the new iMac's design, the possibility of Apple unveiling not only an updated iMac at MWNY BUT an iMac sporting a 17" display are completely within the realm of "it could happen!".

    How nice would THAT be? It's only a month away...I'd DEFINITELY wait.

    Seems like everything in Apple's lineup has been upgraded/tweaked in the past six months...EXCEPT the iMac. I'd be completely shocked if the iMac doesn't get - at the very least - a 100MHz speed bump and maybe a hard drive increase at MWNY. Anything beyond that reasonable, expected update would be wonderful icing on the cake.
  • Reply 4 of 5
    neutrino23neutrino23 Posts: 1,563member
    As everyone else says, at least wait till after the keynote in July. However, I wouldn't be surprised if there was no update to the iMac before January. The iMac is a consumer product. It is supposed to work well. It doesn't have to be upgraded as often as other products. Since the overall design seems quite good I don't expect changes till MWSF.
  • Reply 5 of 5
    [quote]Originally posted by First bite of the apple:

    <strong>My wife and I are going to purchase an iMac, but don't need the computer until late August or early

    September and I was wondering if there was any advantage in waiting to make the purchase?

    If we were buying a PC, I would definately hold off on buying the PC as the processor speed and hard disk would be sure to increase between now and September. However, I am not familiar with Apple's product release cycle for the iMac and do not know if it is worth waiting to make the purchase. (Specifically, we are looking at the iMac Super-Drive version with a 800MHz

    PowerPC G4 processor, 256K L2 cache @ 800 MHz, 256MB SDRAM, and 60GB Ultra ATA drive) I'd hate to buy the computer today and have an upgraded model come out in September with an 80 GB drive, etc. Any thoughts?</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Thanks to all for your replies. It is very helpful information. I think I will hold off on the purchase until August and see if anything has changed. Worst case, I get the same iMac as I would have got to today, which is no problem. THANKS!
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