Laptop Travel

in Genius Bar edited January 2014
OK, the search doesn't seem to be working very well.

I'm flying for the first time in a few years and am wondering if there is anything I should know about traveling with a laptop. I believe x-ray is safe for the machines now, etc.

Any suggestions from those who travel a little more often on how to make the process easier?


  • Reply 1 of 5
    convertconvert Posts: 27member
    I travel about 90% of the year with work, and have no problems at all. The only thing you might need are some power adapters. You don't need converters, cause the adapter that came with your laptop works with 100-240v AC and 50 or 60Hz. What you will need is the correct plug, for the country you are going to. You can find the right ones at Radio shack or someplace like that. And if your going to the U.K. you'll need a phone adapter as well. A little harder to find, but not impossible. Travel safe and be prepared to pull the laptop out at sercurity checks.

    [ 06-14-2002: Message edited by: Convert ]</p>
  • Reply 2 of 5
    thuh freakthuh freak Posts: 2,664member
    theres no problem whatsoever with putting a comp thru the xray. i dont have a mac LT, but i have a peecee LT my company got me on lend, but i noticed it has a horrible batt. life (&lt;1hr it seems). i don't know how apple's batt. life compares to (disgusting) dell, but you might not be able to get much done on a long flight.
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    jregojrego Posts: 56member
    The Apple website says five to six hours for an iBook (larger screen ones have better battery life, since the battery is actually bigger).

    One thing to keep in mind, though, is that all batteries degrade over time. I've had to replace the rechargable alkalines for my Palm several times. It gets to the point where one day of usage LEAVES 4%, not uses 4%. We also had a camera battery that lasted for fifteen minutes instead of a couple hours. My cell phone batteries are slowly dying too. All batteries just plain get old, and need to be replaced every once in a while. Sounds like your one hour battery may be having that kind of problem. Talk to your company and see if they'll replace it for you.
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    tomahawktomahawk Posts: 179member
    Thanks for the info. It is actually a shorter trip, just to DC but didn't know if I needed to worry about security, etc.

    I have noticed my battery getting shorter too. I'm down to 2 hours if I'm lucky on a Pismo. Hoping that after my interview in DC I might be able to afford a new Ti or if I were truly lucky talk the company into one. (I'm really just hoping for the job at this point).

  • Reply 5 of 5
    neutrino23neutrino23 Posts: 1,563member
    When your bag goes through the x-ray machine they make you pull out the laptop and run that through separately. Be very careful that you don't put the laptop through the machine till you are ready to walk through the metal detector. Thieves work in pairs; one guy blocks your path and the other guy grabs your laptop. Also, don't forget to pick up the laptop on the other side. Sounds dumb but I was just reading about the thousands of laptops left behind since 9/11. Especially if you don't travel often it is easy to get distracted and walk off and leave something behind.
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