How can I get more accurate colour ?

in Genius Bar edited January 2014
I'm a complete novice when it comes to talking about colours on screen and printing but I do know something is wrong when my young daughter uses brown in an Appleworks painting and it comes out orange. Can someone save the life of a caring father and tell me either how I can get the screen to show the colour that will print or the printer to recognise my screen colours?

I have a new imac and an Epson 740 with OSX driver.

Oh, BTW, it is a new cartridge.


[ 06-14-2002: Message edited by: jimdad ]</p>


  • Reply 1 of 2
    jregojrego Posts: 56member
    Sounds to me like something is wrong with your ColorSync profile. If you want the quick-and-dirty fix, try just disabling ColorSync in the print dialog (it should be in one of the preferences panels). This should improve things quite a bit, as a bad ColorSync profile is worse than no ColorSync profile.

    I've experienced a similar phenomenon with Photoshop. I had a bad profile, and white turned up pale yellow. It printed perfectly, but it looked really bad on screen. I simply removed the profile, and the problem was gone.

    You may want to try recalibrating ColorSync. If I had to make a guess as to whose ColorSync profile is off, I'd say probably the printer. Open Applications-&gt;Utilities-&gt;ColorSync Utility and see if your printer is listed under Devices. If it is, see what you can do about fixing the profile associated with it. If it's not, see if there's a AppleWorks profile somewhere, and try to fix that. l doubt it's the global monitor profile, as you would have noticed other things that are a bit off. Turning brown to orange is a bit extreme.
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