10.1.5 update - I so regret installing this!

in Genius Bar edited January 2014
There he was, a happy little 700MHz G3 Slot Loading iMac with 1GB of RAM doing its thing with no problems, kernel panics, slow downs or any other issues. Well, after updating to 10.1.5 - everything changed! My Mac was always smooth running - no choppy behavior, slow downs, no lags or anything. Now there is a bunch of things going wrong and I think I have the 10.1.5 update to thank for it.

Here is what started to happen immediately after the update:

Right after the update, I unplugged my FireWire HD before restarting the machine and the screen went all wacky with a whole bunch of numbers and characters thrown on the screen. At first I was like - WTF is this?! Then I realized - this is a kernel panic I keep hearing about - something I have never had before. I restarted manually using the reset button.

Upon startup, the dock now pops up in a choppy way. Startup also takes longer. Before, the dock used to slide up from the bottom of the screen nice and smoothly. Silly little issue, but there is something obviously behind this.

Overall system performance feels less peppy than it was. Certainly my Mac was never a speed demon, but now it's a bit slower - like something is holding it back. Scrolling pages and window resizing is not smooth and relatively quick like it used to be.

Now when I go into System Properties, it takes longer to open and it's a bit choppy (no longer smooth) while launching. If I hit an icon to view that particular system component - then click the 'show all' icon to go back to the main screen, the 'show all' icon disappears! I have to click it again (twice) for it to go back to the main screen - then it will show the icon.

My Mac no longer like to sleep - fully. Even though I have it set to have the entire system sleep after 30min of inactivity, only the monitor will sleep. Everything else stays on and the power button no longer pulses. However, if I manually put it to sleep, it works perfectly just like it used to. This was never an issue before the update.

I have RoadRunner Cable Internet. But for some reason, my Mac now likes to open the internal modem port when accessing some sites or updates through some programs. As if the system is not recognizing the fact that I am already connect - always connected. I don't even know how to stop the dial tone that I hear as nothing is on screen prompting me to establish a dialup connection. I have to re-set to get rid of it. This was never a problem before.

In summary, my classic iMac (700MHz G3 Slot Loading, 1GB RAM) used to be a very stable, reasonably peppy and smooth system with NO system errors or bizarre buggy behavior. Now, after the 10.1.5 update, my system is slower and filled with these quirky bugs with a not-so-smooth feel to it. The irony here is, 10.1.5 was supposed to deliver enhancements, fixes and improvements to the OS - but instead, it made it worse than it ever was. If there is no 10.1.6 to address these issues that myself and many others are bringing forward, than 10.2 is now a necessary update in addition to adding new features at a premium. A premium which we shouldn't have to pay if we need this upgrade to make the OS stable again. I really hope Apple addresses this soon.

I am contemplating on doing a fresh install of 10.1.2 and updating to 10.1.4 and leaving it at that until 10.2 comes out. Do you guys think this is needed, or should I just deal with it until 10.2 comes out (and I am not sure when that is supposed to be released). Also, when 10.2 is released, is that going to be a simple upgrade? Or is there going to be a need for a fresh install and only using programs that are made for Jaguar from that point on?

Sorry for the novel.


  • Reply 1 of 1
    neutrino23neutrino23 Posts: 1,563member
    First of all, I doubt that there is a problem with OS X 10.1.5 which is causing this. More likely, something went wrong during the upgrade or there was simply a problem caused by the incident with the FWHD. The problem with HD file structure problems is they can happen anytime and are not correlated to what you were doing at the time making them difficult to understand.

    Boot into OS 9 or boot up a CD and run Disk First Aid or a similar utility and check the disk. Probably something is wrong there. Even if that is repairable there might be a damaged file needed by the system that can't be identified. If this does not fix the choppy behavior then a reinstall may be called for.

    I saw one problem with a folder in OS X in which the files in the folder appeared with no date, size, kind, etc. The only way to fix it was to copy it to another drive, delete the original and copy it back. This is to show that it is possible to have odd problems related to the way the directory is written on the disk.
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