OK-it's time

in Genius Bar edited January 2014
I took a warrantied 13 gig out of my DV SE and replaced it with a 40 gig. Then I bought an OWC ext F/W H/D with a 911 chipset. I haven't had the nerve to fire it up for 2 months. Any good guides on how to do this? I have been tentative about trying new stuff ever since I started computing, due to a faulty motherboard in a brand new iMac. I want to use the ext. to back up and organize music and photos. Thanks in advance for any help.


  • Reply 1 of 1
    Power up the HD first, then hook it into the computer.

    Be careful, doing it the other way around could screw up the device.

    A note on FW HD's, if your ext HD is spinning up, but not appearing on your desktop try taking the actual HD out of the casing and use it as an interal drive (this won't work for the compact portable firewire drives). I did this when my firewire drive screwed up, and now I'm using it in my computer as we speak.
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