How do I get a Mac and PC to share 1 ADSL connection?

in Genius Bar edited January 2014
Help!?!? I know a bit about networking but this has me stumped. How do I get my Cube to use an ADSL connection where a PC has a ASDL ethernet router (4 port)? I cant figure out how to "see" the connection, I can see the PC using SMP no probs (using OSX) but cant "find" the network!? The PC is using Windoze 2000. Please help if you know as it seems so crap to have to use 56k when theres ASDL in the house. I'm in the UK by the way. Thanks all.


  • Reply 1 of 3
    blizaineblizaine Posts: 239member
    I'm not sure I understand completely what you are asking, but if it were me, and I had a PC with windows 2000 and a Mac, here?s what I would do:

    If the ADSL modem has USB, use that to connect to the PC. Then turn on ICS (Internet connection sharing). Do this by right clicking on the USB connection in the ?Network Connections? control panel and select ?Share this Connection?. Then connect the Mac (using CAT5) either though a hub or if you want to go straight from Mac to PC, use a crossover cable and connect it to your PC's Ethernet port.

    If your ADSL modem doesn't have a USB out, you will need two Network cards in your PC. Connect one port to the ADSL modem and the other to the Mac (via Crossover or through a Hub). In case do that same thing as before except Share the Ethernet connection that it connected to the ADSL modem.

    Or you could buy a $150 DSL/Cable modem router....
  • Reply 2 of 3
    [quote]Originally posted by Thereubster:

    <strong>Help!?!? I know a bit about networking but this has me stumped. How do I get my Cube to use an ADSL connection where a PC has a ASDL ethernet router (4 port)? I cant figure out how to "see" the connection, I can see the PC using SMP no probs (using OSX) but cant "find" the network!? The PC is using Windoze 2000. Please help if you know as it seems so crap to have to use 56k when theres ASDL in the house. I'm in the UK by the way. Thanks all.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    I don't know specifically what this ADSL router IN the PC might be, but sharing an Internet connection via a PC is always pretty lousy--its overly complicated and doesn't work very well, and doesn't work at all when the PC isn't working (and that can be quite often! <img src="graemlins/lol.gif" border="0" alt="[Laughing]" /> )

    So I'd recommend buying a cheap external broadband router. I have an SMC Barricade and I love it. They have a good 4-port one ( that you might like (DON'T get the one marked ADSL router--USB connection BAD!) or failing SMC, try NetGear for a good one.
  • Reply 3 of 3
    obi-dunobi-dun Posts: 19member
    Yes, ADSL router is good.

    I got 2 Macs and 2 Wins sharing 1 ADSL connection. Most router provide DHCP service.

    Go to your System Preferences&gt;Network&gt;TCP/IP chose DHCP in configure pull-down menu.

    Please refer your router's manual for setting DHCP service.
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