PCI GF2 Cards for Mac.

in Genius Bar edited January 2014
Yeah. So sorry about all of my topics. My Beige G3 266 is now running beautifully @ 292 mhz.. One question I have though is about graphics cards. I was given a PS790 Viewsonic monitor with it, and could go up to 1600x1200 rez, but of course cannot with the built in graphics. (Keep in mind this is the DT version, not that it makes a big difference) But I would like to. (duh lol) So, what would work for that? I do not want to shell out 150 bucks or whatever for a Radeon 7000.. But a GF2MX would do quite nicely (with 64 megs of ram preferably) Are there any PC versions that would do the job? I know they can be had for 40-50 bucks on Pricewatch. Any info would be greatly appreciated. Oh yeah. For fun I tried a friend's Mach 64 ATI card in it, and it actually recognizes it in Apple System Profiler, but that is all...


  • Reply 1 of 3
    bernardbernard Posts: 59member
    you can do 1600x1200, just noy @32bit.

    no Gforce 2 has worked in a biege, the have been reported workings in blue and white and newer cards. go for a radeon 7000. and if you use 9 only get a voodoo 3. good luck
  • Reply 2 of 3
    Thanks. I exclusively use X, so I will probably have to settle for the 7000... But, dual monitors is nice, so it wouldn't be too bad I suppose...
  • Reply 3 of 3
    pastapasta Posts: 112member
    [quote]Originally posted by Jeremiah Rich:

    <strong>Yeah. So sorry about all of my topics. My Beige G3 266 is now running beautifully @ 292 mhz.. One question I have though is about graphics cards. I was given a PS790 Viewsonic monitor with it, and could go up to 1600x1200 rez, but of course cannot with the built in graphics. (Keep in mind this is the DT version, not that it makes a big difference) But I would like to. (duh lol) So, what would work for that? I do not want to shell out 150 bucks or whatever for a Radeon 7000.. But a GF2MX would do quite nicely (with 64 megs of ram preferably) Are there any PC versions that would do the job? I know they can be had for 40-50 bucks on Pricewatch. Any info would be greatly appreciated. Oh yeah. For fun I tried a friend's Mach 64 ATI card in it, and it actually recognizes it in Apple System Profiler, but that is all...</strong><hr></blockquote>

    I did read somewhere about PC versions of the GeForce 2 card being used in Macs. There was a procedure for extracting the Mac ROM from an OS update, and using that to flash the video card. I can't remember where I read it, and whether it was limited to specific Mac models or not, but it did work for some models. If I can stumble across it again, I'll post a followup for you.

    OK, I found where I had read it. Follow this link:

    <a href="http://www.xlr8yourmac.com/video.html"; target="_blank">http://www.xlr8yourmac.com/video.html</a>;

    there will be hundreds of messages from users who have flashed a PC version of a GeForce card for use in their machines. Try and find one with your specific setup, since it seems to be a different procedure depending on which machine you own. There's also some information in the forums here:

    <a href="http://arstechnica.com/"; target="_blank">http://arstechnica.com/</a>;

    Hopefully this will help.

    [ 07-03-2002: Message edited by: pasta ]</p>
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