My trusty ol' scanner

in Genius Bar edited January 2014
So my trusty ol' scanner isn't working. On my G4 400, I put an adaptec SCSI card in it. This was some time and an OS ago. I busily went about moving to OSX and changing everything. One day, I need to scan some negs and realise that nothing works. I found a update (of sorts) for the Adaptec card, which would or would not work, seemingly dependent on the direction of the wind that day. Now, It's ceased operation entirely. If I reinstall everything, shut everything off and turn it all on again, over and over and in the precisely correct order (which, God bless me I can never remember and have to flail at for what seems to be hours), it will work for a little while and then the machine just 'forgets' that the cards there. So I start all over.

The appeal to you good folks is if there is anything I can do so save the scanner and all, or if it has just become time to bite it and buy a new scanner.

I love that old glass though. Keep in mind my irrational emotional attachment to it.

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