Harddrive will not mount
i have an external firewire harddrive that has worked like a dream since the day i got it. Recently the plugged got pulled out while it was running. Now whenever i turn it on it trys the mount and then i get a message that there are no readable os x volumes. Using disk doctor i can verify and repair the drive jsut fine but it still wont mount. Should i get some kind of software? Will that help?
thank you
i have an external firewire harddrive that has worked like a dream since the day i got it. Recently the plugged got pulled out while it was running. Now whenever i turn it on it trys the mount and then i get a message that there are no readable os x volumes. Using disk doctor i can verify and repair the drive jsut fine but it still wont mount. Should i get some kind of software? Will that help?
thank you
<strong>whenever i turn it on it trys the mount and then i get a message that there are no readable os x volumes. Using disk doctor i can verify and repair the drive jsut fine but it still wont mount. Should i get some kind of software? Will that help?
Are you using MacosX or 9?
Does Disk Utility see it? Can you mount it with Disk Utility? When you get the message that there are no readable volumes does it offer the Format option? Have you tried reformatting it?
Does the drive mount under MacOS9? Is it formated in HFS or HFS+ (extended)?
Hope this helps...
[ 07-08-2002: Message edited by: AllInOne ]</p>
I've used a program called Diskwarrior to pull myself and my clients out of the exact same situation that you describe. Unfortunatly, I've only used it under OS 9 and I don't know if there is a OS X version or if the OS 9 version will fix it. Diskwarrior repairs the directory of a disk, so it might not matter what OS is involved. You might want to check their website. Alsoft is the company that makes diskwarrior. sorry, I don't have the URL handy, but it's late and I was just about to retire for the evening when I ran across your post. I will check tomorrow. Or maybe other members might know. Diskwarrior has pulled me out of a ditch many times, I highly recommend it. ( no, I don't work for them )
Good Luck I'll check back
DO NOT format the drive!
you will lose all data on that drive!
You just need to rebuild the directory for the drive to be reconized by the computer. that's what diskwarrior does.
also, I think Micromat's Drive 10 might repair directories. I Know it's for OS X
again good luck