Earthlink DSL Problems - Changing the MTU value for Ethernet?

in Genius Bar edited January 2014
Having problems with my Earthlink DSL connection. Suddenly speeds have gone from around 1400 Kbps to around 100 Kbps. We have ruled out line problems and anything else going on between them and me. They feel that my Ethernet MTU setting is too high but I have not been successful in lowering it. Can it be done?

ifconfig ppp0 mtu 1460

This will change the MTU value for PPP (and PPPoE I presume) but...

ifconfig en0 mtu 1460

This does not change the MTU value for Ethernet. It stays at the default 1500 which the techies at Earthlink says is the problem.

I have not had problems with my DSL service until a few weeks ago so I doubt this is really the problem. I believe it is the DSL modem that has gone bad. Hooking my PowerBook G4 up to a friends AT&T Broadband Cable proves this as speeds were back up around 1400 Kbps.

But... I would still like to figure out how to change the MTU setting for Ethernet. Any ideas? Thanks.


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