Que Firewire Drive no work with X

in Genius Bar edited January 2014
I am wondering y my Que won't work with X. A friend of mine said his works and its the exact same 8x24x32 Firewire external Que.

Do I need to redownload drivers? or is it jus not compatible.



  • Reply 1 of 9
    creatinecreatine Posts: 25member
    I checked another site and they said OS X doesn't require a driver or something like that. Is that true?
  • Reply 2 of 9
    emaneman Posts: 7,204member
    It shouldn't need a driver. Some Que! drives aren't supported in iTunes. Have you tried using Toast?
  • Reply 3 of 9
    yeah it didn't work with toast either.
  • Reply 4 of 9
    I jus checked apples web site (Idk how many time I have gone now) and they have my drive listed for compatibility, its the 8x4x32 and then they have the firm ware as some b205 or something. Were can I check if thats my drive? Did they release the samsung Que unit with two different firm wares?
  • Reply 5 of 9
    [quote]Originally posted by Creatine:

    <strong>I jus checked apples web site (Idk how many time I have gone now) and they have my drive listed for compatibility, its the 8x4x32 and then they have the firm ware as some b205 or something. Were can I check if thats my drive? Did they release the samsung Que unit with two different firm wares?</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Toast will let you find out the FW...but you said it doesn't work...do you have the Mac OS 9 version of toast? if so, just use that to get the FW version. I have this same drive, works fine for me
  • Reply 6 of 9
    alcimedesalcimedes Posts: 5,486member
    btw, you can have a device released with different firmware versions. it would be a good idea to go to Que's site and download the latest version of the firmware and install it, then see if the drive works.

    it sounds like that might be the problem in this case.

  • Reply 7 of 9
    I also have a problem with my QPS que fire 12/10/32 firewire cd-rw drive (with Plextor guts, firmware 1.07). It does not work in OS X.1.5, but does work fine in OS 9 (using toast 4.2). I've tried burning through iTunes, the finder, and Toast 5.1.4, but it does not go through with the burn. In Toast, the disk info, eject, etc commands work fine, but if you try to write to the disk (or even run a simulated burn) the drive or the computer will hang once the ram cache is loaded up. In the finder, OS X will ask me if i want to initialize, if i say yes, it just sits there until i restart the finder.

    they do have a firmware revision for the drive, but the installer is PC only

    any help would be much appreciated


    --indra lim
  • Reply 8 of 9
    i just found this thread <a href="http://discussions.info.apple.com/[email protected]@.2cd59454/0"; target="_blank">http://discussions.info.apple.com/[email protected]@.2cd59454/0</a>;

    it's starting to sound hopeless for me.
  • Reply 9 of 9
    How To Make Your Que! Burner 4x4x8 USB Work Under OSX (10.1.5)

    Step 1

    Make all Changes under "root"

    Learn here about "root":

    <a href="http://docs.info.apple.com/article.html?artnum=106290&amp;SaveKCWindowURL=http: %2F%2Fkbase.info.apple.com%2Fcgi-bin%2FWebObjects%2Fkbase.woa%2Fwa%2FSaveKCToHomePa ge&searchMode=Assisted&kbhost=kbase.info.apple.com &showButton=false&randomValue=100&showSurvey=true& sessionID=anonymous|146339115" target="_blank">http://docs.info.apple.com/article.html?artnum=106290&amp;SaveKCWindowURL=http: %2F%2Fkbase.info.apple.com%2Fcgi-bin%2FWebObjects%2Fkbase.woa%2Fwa%2FSaveKCToHomePa ge&searchMode=Assisted&kbhost=kbase.info.apple.com &showButton=false&randomValue=100&showSurvey=true& sessionID=anonymous|146339115</a>

    Step 2

    Uninstall the Cypress Driver - under root - (if you have it installed)

    To delete the old driver, open a Terminal window and write:

    cd /System/Library/Extensions

    sudo rm -rf com_cy_driver_USB_Device.kext

    Reboot your machine & reinstall the new driver.

    Step 3

    Connect the drive next to the USB port in the

    computer (not in a hub), and turn it on.

    Step 4

    Install the Cypress Driver (1.3.2 June 2002)

    Get it here:

    <a href="http://www.cypress.com/support/reference_designs.cfm?objectID=536E9CF9-6BF1-455C-A5DD2E06A2A2956E&tid=54A040FA-2262-424A-B14741267CBD1308"; target="_blank">http://www.cypress.com/support/reference_designs.cfm?objectID=536E9CF9-6BF1-455C-A5DD2E06A2A2956E&tid=54A040FA-2262-424A-B14741267CBD1308</a>;

    or the older version here

    <a href="http://www.qps-inc.com/support/osxusb.html"; target="_blank">http://www.qps-inc.com/support/osxusb.html</a>;

    Step 5

    How to make the drive work 100% with Roxio Toast 5.1.4?

    1. Turn on the unit without open any application

    2. Always open Toast without a disk inside the burner.

    3. Insert a disk only when the burner request it.

    4. Ones the system starts the first thing you do is Burn.

    5. If the drive or the application stops unplug the USB cable,

    wait a few seconds, and then plug the

    USB cable back in. Every time the cable is plugged in, the driver is


    6. Always start without disk inside the burner.

    7. In My case only can I burn using 4x

    8. When you burn, try to have only the buner connected to the computer

    9. Good Luck.


    If your AppleSystem Profinder (/applications/utilities/Apple System Profiler)

    do not detect your drive:

    Once the Cypress drivers are installed, open the terminal and do this:

    cd /System/Library/Extensions/com_cy_driver_USB_Device.kext/Contents

    cp Info.plist ~/newinfo.plist

    sudo emacs ~/newinfo.plist

    (enter your password)

    Ctrl-s 2021 Enter (locates the driver)


    Backspace over the 2021 and replace it with 1792

    Ctrl-x Ctrl-c y

    sudo cp ~/newinfo.plist Info.plist


    This should cause the driver to start responding to vendor 1792 instead of 2021

    if you have another vendor number write it.

    All The Best

    Dennis Raphael

    [email protected]

    Thanks to:

    Paul Hagstrom

    Rod Carrigan &

    Many others that make test.
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