How do I log in as root?

in Genius Bar edited January 2014
I'm trying to uninstall something and whenever I double click on the uninstaller, it tells me that I have to log in as root. So I open the terminal, type "sudo su" and then my password. It still tells me that I need to log in as root. What else do I have to do?


  • Reply 1 of 1
    thuh freakthuh freak Posts: 2,664member
    well, assuming your installer is a command line program (ie, it doesn't end in ".app") then you type: "sudo <name of uninstaller>", or "su;<name of installer>" (the second option will persist the root'ness). It'll ask for the root password.

    But, if the uninstaller is not a cli prog, then it should have an icon that looks like a lock somewhere. If you click on it it'll ask for an administrator password (and user id). If it doesn't have a lock icon, then you could try logging in as root from the login screen (command-shift-q will log you out, and bring you there).
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