Purchasing advice . . .
Making the switch- can't wait. Would like some help on which Powermac I should buy (I've ruled out the iMac- the woman doesn't like the color!- plus I like the flat 17" display).
It will primarily be a home system used for 1) email, 2) internet, 3) wordprocessing for work, 4) organizing my music (want an iPod), and 5)organizing my photos. I also love the new calender they introduced today, and will likely sync that with a handheld (not yet purchased). Sometime down the line (could be a month, could be a year) I will likely buy a digital camcorder, so I may toy around with some BASIC video editing. I like gaming, but I never really got into computer-gaming- I always used a game console, and I'm not sure how likely that is to change.
Anyway, my needs are not overly taxing on a system, but I still like 'em real fast. I'd also like the system to last me at least a litle while before I have to go and buy an new one (4+ years?)Here are my questions:
1) Which Powermac do you recommend? Is a 933 sufficient, or should I step up to the dual gig?
2) When should I buy? I know there are rumors about the new powermacs in August, but I'm concerned that if I wait I lose the $500 rebate being offered on the flatscreens and will end up paying more anyway. Any advice?
3) Sort of unrelated, but they are opening a new mac store in my area (LI, NY) Friday- do they adjust for the Education Store discount at their retail locations, or do I have to buy online?
Thanks for your help, everyone- I know it's not as fun helping someone else build a system as it is for me to talk about it, so know your advice is appreciated!
[ 07-17-2002: Message edited by: Lew ]</p>
It will primarily be a home system used for 1) email, 2) internet, 3) wordprocessing for work, 4) organizing my music (want an iPod), and 5)organizing my photos. I also love the new calender they introduced today, and will likely sync that with a handheld (not yet purchased). Sometime down the line (could be a month, could be a year) I will likely buy a digital camcorder, so I may toy around with some BASIC video editing. I like gaming, but I never really got into computer-gaming- I always used a game console, and I'm not sure how likely that is to change.
Anyway, my needs are not overly taxing on a system, but I still like 'em real fast. I'd also like the system to last me at least a litle while before I have to go and buy an new one (4+ years?)Here are my questions:
1) Which Powermac do you recommend? Is a 933 sufficient, or should I step up to the dual gig?
2) When should I buy? I know there are rumors about the new powermacs in August, but I'm concerned that if I wait I lose the $500 rebate being offered on the flatscreens and will end up paying more anyway. Any advice?
3) Sort of unrelated, but they are opening a new mac store in my area (LI, NY) Friday- do they adjust for the Education Store discount at their retail locations, or do I have to buy online?
Thanks for your help, everyone- I know it's not as fun helping someone else build a system as it is for me to talk about it, so know your advice is appreciated!
[ 07-17-2002: Message edited by: Lew ]</p>
1) Which Powermac do you recommend? Is a 933 sufficient, or should I step up to the dual gig?
If you were to buy one right now, and you have the extra money to spend, you should get the dual gig. I believe you said you wanted this to last a while, and I doubt a 933 will last 4 years.
2) When should I buy? I know there are rumors about the new powermacs in August, but I'm concerned that if I wait I lose the $500 rebate being offered on the flatscreens and will end up paying more anyway. Any advice?
I'd wait, I really think that Apple will release new Powermacs soon after the promotion is over. It seems to make sense that they just want to try and clear out the channel as much as they can before releasing new Powermacs. I don't think they'll let the Powermacs slide much longer than August without being updated.
3) Sort of unrelated, but they are opening a new mac store in my area (LI, NY) Friday- do they adjust for the Education Store discount at their retail locations, or do I have to buy online?
Not sure, I think people have said that they can order with Education prices at the retail locations, but Apple still ships them out.
If i was you I'd wait and not worry about the rebate on the flatscreen. My guess is they will be updated pretty soon too. To the more dramatic wide screen, so you may get a deal on the older 17" anyways. Plus have the newer PowerMac too.
If you can't wait...get the dual. You won't regret the switch no matter what.
Thanks again- B