Need some help with old Power Mac Quicksilver

in Genius Bar edited January 2014
Hi, this is my backup computer. It doesn't get a lot of use since I have a Mac Pro, but I still want to have it up and running again. The symptoms are when I press the power button it appears to come on, the fans inside power up but the white power button on the front doesn't stay lit up. Also there is no start up chime sound when it is turned on.

I have opened her up and removed and checked each memory stick. I realize it could be one of several things. I am hoping it is just the battery. That would be a cheap and easy fix. If it a bad logic board or something along those lines it wouldn't be worth repairing. I just wanted to hear some more thoughts on some other possibilities I might not have considered.

It is a 2001 Quicksilver 867 upgraded with a dual core 1.5GHz. Thanks in advance for any tips


  • Reply 1 of 3
    macxpressmacxpress Posts: 5,903member

    Have your tried putting the old CPU back in it? Assuming you still have it...


    The battery won't make it not boot. It just won't keep the date and time.


    I would say its either the logic board or the processor. 

  • Reply 2 of 3
    conrailconrail Posts: 489member

    I had one of these that did the same thing.  I solved the problem by building a PC. :p


    I think the actual problem was something with the battery.  I swapped that out and it helped, but didn't completely solve the problem.

  • Reply 3 of 3
    hekeehekee Posts: 2member

    I think logic board is where the problem lies!

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