Mac Pro Refresh 2012

in General Discussion edited January 2014
I love my mac pro and will use it until it croaks. I have waited patiently for Apple to throw me/us a bone by way of a small request of generosity on their part for just a bit of real news about Mac Pro's future. I am at a crossroads as my need for computation advancement in (3D Rendering) has clashed with the stingy silence from apple, therefore I have actually (to my own surprise) taken a bold next step, I have configured a build-to-order High End Workstation with windows 7. I am quite pleased with the incredibly fast specs. Until I started researching PCs I did not know of what choices there were in CPU overclocking, expansion potential along with future proofing by way of component compatibility etc. Again I love my Mac Pro and will use it alongside my new build. It's at least 25 years since I've worked a windows machine. So on the one hand it's a bit intimidating to switch, (cost of new all out build plus software license switch-overs) If anything, this is a statement about dissatisfaction of Apple toward the Pro user as this is my first ever post on any forum. I am a Mac Pro user that Apple just lost. I appreciate the chance to voice my opinion on this forum.


  • Reply 1 of 10
    Originally Posted by 2by4 View Post

    I am a Mac Pro user that Apple just lost.

    Bye. The new chips don't exist yet, so they couldn't have updated.
  • Reply 2 of 10
    2by42by4 Posts: 8member
    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post

    Bye. The new chips don't exist yet, so they couldn't have updated.

    Mac Pro Refresh News! Apple launches new design for pro users, the look and components are...the chip will potentially be... the performance level is likely to excite users that....come come, Just a little scrap for a loyal customer who has dropped thousands and thousands over the years? NOPE instead....crickets, Not the only disgruntled Pro consumer. know first hand of others making the move as well. And when the new chips do come along, I learned that PCs will be backwards compatible to accept said chip. Can you see Apple doing this, putting out a new design first/quicker and make it backward compatible? A Chip does not equal excuse....Bye Bye.
  • Reply 3 of 10
    Originally Posted by 2by4 View Post

    Mac Pro Refresh News! Apple launches new design for pro users, the look and components are...the chip will potentially be... the performance level is likely to excite users that....come come, Just a little scrap for a loyal customer who has dropped thousands and thousands over the years? NOPE instead....crickets,

    And how are we supposed to know anything factual about something that doesn't exist?

    And if you're suggesting that Apple tell you about this stuff before they start selling it, that's nonsense and you know it.


    And when the new chips do come along, I learned that PCs will be backwards compatible to accept said chip.

    Yeah, that happens every single time there's a tock of the tick-tock. There are always two chip families that fit on the same chipset.


    Can you see Apple doing this, putting out a new design first/quicker and make it backward compatible?

    Yeah, I do. Given that it would be perfectly possible. Stop making up stuff because you're incorrectly upset at Apple for not having any power whatsoever over when Intel releases their chips.


    A Chip does not equal excuse....Bye Bye.

    You have no idea what you're on about. Why do you think your PC is faster, anyway? As I said, the chips don't exist.
  • Reply 4 of 10
    eksodoseksodos Posts: 186member
    Originally Posted by 2by4 View Post

    Mac Pro Refresh News! Apple launches new design for pro users, the look and components are...the chip will potentially be... the performance level is likely to excite users that....come come, Just a little scrap for a loyal customer who has dropped thousands and thousands over the years? NOPE instead....crickets, Not the only disgruntled Pro consumer. know first hand of others making the move as well. And when the new chips do come along, I learned that PCs will be backwards compatible to accept said chip. Can you see Apple doing this, putting out a new design first/quicker and make it backward compatible? A Chip does not equal excuse....Bye Bye.

    Apple doesn't care about pro users anymore. They've demonstrated that on numerous occasions in recent years. Given the state of Mac OS X Lion, and it's assortment of unfixed bugs, performance, and stability issues I'd argue they don't care very much about Mac users in general.
  • Reply 5 of 10
    Originally Posted by eksodos View Post

    Apple doesn't care about pro users anymore. They've demonstrated that on numerous occasions in recent years. Given the state of Mac OS X Lion, and it's assortment of unfixed bugs, performance, and stability issues I'd argue they don't care very much about Mac users in general.

    Completely untrue.
  • Reply 6 of 10
    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post

    Completely untrue.Yeah, I do. Given that it would be perfectly possible. Stop making up stuff because you're incorrectly upset at Apple for not having any power whatsoever over when Intel releases their chips. You have no idea what you're on about. Why do you think your PC is faster, anyway? As I said, the chips don't exist.

    Yep, Just making stuff up here, Upset isn't the word, unimpressed is more like it. There was a time when pound for pound Mac Pro and PC were of the same ilk, power-wise, But Go look for yourself, Google "High end workstations", you will find not one company but about 20 who are competing to keep prices lower and at the same time offering speeds that smash Mac. Though you'll claim I've no Idea what I'm "on about" or that I'm just "making stuff up" Again this decision to switch is not without pain as I will still use my Mac Pro, But sadly, my need for brute power is much better served with a PC. While Mac has fallen behind, these Pc companies and custom builders aren't using "Chip availability" for an excuse. Again, Not the only Pro User "Unimpressed" and if Apple comes out with something bitching in the next who knows when, I will not lament switching over as I know PC will stick around and advance and apple will more than likely be thumbing a nose at the Pro user while concentrating more on the gadgets. Fairly simple really, Just follow the money.
  • Reply 7 of 10
    Originally Posted by 2by4 View Post

    Upset isn't the word, unimpressed is more like it.

    Ah, right, then.


    There was a time when pound for pound Mac Pro and PC were of the same ilk, power-wise, But Go look for yourself, Google "High end workstations", you will find not one company but about 20 who are competing to keep prices lower and at the same time offering speeds that smash Mac.

    Yes, that's what happens at the end of a product lifecycle. Apple doesn't change prices during the lifetime of a machine.


    While Mac has fallen behind, these Pc companies and custom builders aren't using "Chip availability" for an excuse.

    I'd be interested to know how they're actually getting faster chips when they don't exist yet, then.
  • Reply 8 of 10
    2by42by4 Posts: 8member
    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post

    Ah, right, then.

    Yes, that's what happens at the end of a product lifecycle. Apple doesn't change prices during the lifetime of a machine.

    I'd be interested to know how they're actually getting faster chips when they don't exist yet, then.

    in all due respect, your hung up on the "latest chip available" again, my point is that PC CURRENTLY offers higher clocks, more versatility in CPU. GPU, Ram amounts,Cooling systems for screaming chips, motherboards, all configurable INTERNALLY, no relying on externals, (or new chip) all leading to lower prices and Higher frequencies. Apple could offer these kind of intermediaries to LOYAL pro customers to keep them on board, but they don't. Weather they care about the Pro user or not is irrelevant, there actions speak enough volume. people need speed now, they jump ship no longer at the whim of Apple delays. There system is more closed internally, therefore less versatile and again... slower. There is no other company but apple to choose from, or worse, wait around for. If your a power user, the shine on the look of the OS wheres off and is replaced by the PC's higher speeds. lower prices, and buffet of choices.
  • Reply 9 of 10
    2by42by4 Posts: 8member
    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post

    Ah, right, then.

    Yes, that's what happens at the end of a product lifecycle. Apple doesn't change prices during the lifetime of a machine.

    I'd be interested to know how they're actually getting faster chips when they don't exist yet, then.

    in all due respect, your hung up on the "latest chip available" again, my point is that PC CURRENTLY offers higher clocks, more versatility in CPU. GPU, Ram amounts,Cooling systems for screaming chips, motherboards, all configurable INTERNALLY, no relying on externals, (or new chip) all leading to lower prices and Higher frequencies. Apple could offer these kind of intermediaries to LOYAL pro customers to keep them on board, but they don't. Weather they care about the Pro user or not is irrelevant, there actions speak enough volume. people need speed now, they jump ship no longer at the whim of Apple delays. Mac's system is more closed internally, therefore less versatile and again... slower. There is no other company but apple to choose from, or worse, wait around for. If you're a power user, the shine on the look of the OS wheres off and is replaced by the PC's higher speeds. lower prices, and buffet of choices.
  • Reply 10 of 10
    Originally Posted by 2by4 View Post

    in all due respect, your hung up on the "latest chip available" again, my point is that PC CURRENTLY offers higher clocks, more versatility in CPU. Apple could offer these kind of intermediaries to LOYAL pro customers to keep them on board, but they don't.

    They used to. Not enough people cared for them to keep doing it.


    Weather they care about the Pro user or not is irrelevant, there actions speak enough volume.

    I think it's more the actions of the pros than Apple.
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