Upgrade Advice: PowerMac Beige G3
Ok, the system I finally ended up with is a Beige 300mhz G3 PowerMac. It runs OS 9 pretty well, but seems a little sluggish at times. I'm too scared to put OS X on it. It has an 8GB hard drive, zip drive, 336MB ram and factory video.
What do you all recommend as upgrades to this system? Would a new video card help? If so, what specific performance improvement would i notice (i don't play to many games).
It is hooked up to a 20" AppleVision Monitor.
What do you all recommend as upgrades to this system? Would a new video card help? If so, what specific performance improvement would i notice (i don't play to many games).
It is hooked up to a 20" AppleVision Monitor.
<strong>Ok, the system I finally ended up with is a Beige 300mhz G3 PowerMac. It runs OS 9 pretty well, but seems a little sluggish at times. I'm too scared to put OS X on it. It has an 8GB hard drive, zip drive, 336MB ram and factory video.
What do you all recommend as upgrades to this system? Would a new video card help? If so, what specific performance improvement would i notice (i don't play to many games).
It is hooked up to a 20" AppleVision Monitor.
Get a Radeon PCI video card, it will be a huge performance improvement. Also look into a CPU upgrade for that machine.
Get a Radeon PCI video card, it will be a huge performance improvement. Also look into a CPU upgrade for that machine.</strong><hr></blockquote>
Can i get a new Radeon PCI with a ColorSync out in lieu of the VGA?
I'm still running 9.2.2 - I haven't wanted to go to OS X on this Mac yet for a number of reasons, not the least of which is my MIDI setup, which undoubtedly would not be supported in X. If I weren't hampered by the MIDI stuff I would definitely put X on this Mac, and I think Jaguar would run pretty well on it. But it's no substitute for a real G4 Mac with faster busses and more/faster cache. In fact I'm holding out till August to see what Steve-o announces in the way of towers, because that's where it's at if you need to run OS X at its best.
But, for what it's worth, you can make a beige G3 considerably faster with the upgrades I've done. I consider this Mac very usable, even for processor-heavy stuff like photo editing and MP3 ripping... AltiVec, you know. I capped the package off with a Logitech USB two-button scroll wheel mouse and it's actually a very satisfying system... it never crashes, I absolutely LOVE Sonnet's upgrades in this regard. Every single one I've installed has worked flawlessly. But when I get serious about OS X at home, it won't be on this Mac, it'll be on a newer tower.
Can i get a new Radeon PCI with a ColorSync out in lieu of the VGA?</strong><hr></blockquote>
I've got some spare parts I'm trying to get rid of... I'm open to offers if you're really thinking about upgrading that beast...
o Radeon PCI 32MB PCI card. Has VGA and DVI connectors.
o 128MB DIMM for a beige g3
o An XLR8 466MHz G3 upgrade
All of that stuff is sitting in a beige g3 at the bottom of my closet currently. it works. I'll take offers on any of it
Personally, I'd get a Ruby.
[ 07-25-2002: Message edited by: Yet Another Registration ]</p>
Get a nice pci ide card and a 7200 rpm large(80GB) hard drive. After that then get a nice pci video card, whatever you can fit in your budget. then if you still have oogles of cash left over get a G3 or a G4 upgrade.