24k Gold Iphone
Meet the man with the Midas touch, GoldGenie founder Laban Roomes, of BBC?s Dragon?s Den fame, as he remembers the legacy of Steve Jobs.
View the exclusive world debut of the Steve Jobs Commemorative 24-carat Gold iPhone, on public display for one night only, presented by GoldGenie.
Witness the transformation from ordinary to extraordinary with Laban Roomes? precious metal-plated and diamond-encrusted i-Phones, i-Pads, 24-Karat
golden roses fashioned from real rose petals gilded to perfection and other unique and wonderful masterpieces at this enlightening exhibit.
View the exclusive world debut of the Steve Jobs Commemorative 24-carat Gold iPhone, on public display for one night only, presented by GoldGenie.
Witness the transformation from ordinary to extraordinary with Laban Roomes? precious metal-plated and diamond-encrusted i-Phones, i-Pads, 24-Karat
golden roses fashioned from real rose petals gilded to perfection and other unique and wonderful masterpieces at this enlightening exhibit.