HELP! Getting lots of Console logs as Apps Crash...

in Genius Bar edited January 2014
Not sure what's wrong...but it's not good!

First...for a couple of months, I have not been able to empty the trash on OS X 10.1.5.

the only way I am able to (force empty) trash is by using "BatChmod".

And since last night, I haven't been able to open Mail up at all! It crashes upon opening, and the Console window comes up with a big long log! I've tried restarting my computer and it still will not let me open Mail.

In general....every once in a while an app will crash and the console log comes up.

What could be wrong? How do I fix this?

My machine is Beige G3 MiniTower (266).

Up until now, I have not had any major problems.

Thanks for any help!


[ 07-29-2002: Message edited by: barracuda ]</p>


  • Reply 1 of 1
    [quote]Originally posted by barracuda:

    <strong>Not sure what's wrong...but it's not good!

    First...for a couple of months, I have not been able to empty the trash on OS X 10.1.5.

    the only way I am able to (force empty) trash is by using "BatChmod".

    And since last night, I haven't been able to open Mail up at all! It crashes upon opening, and the Console window comes up with a big long log! I've tried restarting my computer and it still will not let me open Mail.

    In general....every once in a while an app will crash and the console log comes up.

    What could be wrong? How do I fix this?

    My machine is Beige G3 MiniTower (266).

    Up until now, I have not had any major problems.

    Thanks for any help!


    [ 07-29-2002: Message edited by: barracuda ]</strong><hr></blockquote>


    Try running the following command in the Terminal, and see if that has any effect (it shouldn't, but sometimes it works):

    sudo update_prebinding -root /

    Beyond this, it sounds like a reinstall if it were MY machine. I'm sure there could be numerous ways to fix it with enough work, but I'm more inclined to assume that more things could go wrong, back up my data, format the disk, and start from nothing.

    Best of luck!
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