AT&T Throttles Data Users as low as 2.3GB

in iPhone edited January 2014

This article was on Drudge today. I found it interesting...and annoying. I am one of the 17 million customers on an "unlimited" plan. While I understand throttling for very heavy users in highly trafficked areas, I can't get behind this.


Trang's iPhone was throttled just two weeks into his billing cycle, after he'd consumed 2.3 gigabytes of data. He pays $30 per month for "unlimited" data. Meanwhile, Dallas-based AT&T now sells a limited, or "tiered," plan that provides 3 gigabytes of data for the same price.

Wow. So "unlimited" is now actually LESS than their 3GB "limited" plan? It seems there is no end to AT&T's greed and sleaziness. If you're going to throttle, you at least ought to make the cap larger than the largest limited plan. And really, I don't see why they can't offer a truly unlimited plan, for say, $50 a month. Then we'd have:

$10 200MB

$20 2GB

$30 3GB

$50 Unlimited

Or something along those lines. Thoughts?


  • Reply 1 of 2
    Maybe they are trying to limit network usage? Seems unfair, but they probably want to make sure that the network(infrastructure) doesn't overload?

    Or maybe they are just plain greedy, as you stated, and charge more than the service is worth.

    Still,I guess you can take legal action against them, although it doesn't state anywhere at what point they can throttle or what is full bandwidth cache before throttling.

    There must be a "logical" reason to this.
  • Reply 2 of 2
    Originally Posted by ewanqbl View Post

    Maybe they are trying to limit network usage?

    On 'unlimited' accounts? Sounds like the opposite of something legal.


    Seems unfair, but they probably want to make sure that the network(infrastructure) doesn't overload?

    They demand people use data. They FORCE US to buy data plans when we don't want them and have no use for them. And then they THROTTLE us so we can't use said data.

    Either build out your networks or shut the frick up, you worthless telecoms.


    Or maybe they are just plain greedy, as you stated, and charge more than the service is worth.

    Ooh! Glad you brought that up. I did the math once, compared to my own home Internet price and speed. When I did this, we paid $40 a month for 3Mbps. Pathetic, yeah. That's almost extortion in and of itself. Anyway, AT&T's service is 968x more expensive than our home Internet was.
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