Get 404 on MacBook but not on iMac

in Mac Software edited January 2014
I am working on two computers (iMac 27'' and MacBook Pro 17''), with almost identical software installed, updated to the latest releases. I have encountered a strange web browser problem tat I can't figure out and hope someone can help me with:

I am currently testing a Joomla-based web shop on both computers, and when I try to put something in the cart, it works as it should on my iMac, but not on my MacBook, where I am redirected to a 404 page saying that the component can'tr be found. It happens in all browsers (Firefox, Safari, Opera, Chrome).

I have cleaned the browser's history completely several times and also cleaned cookies and cache on my computers. Still, the problem remains.

Is trhere anyone that could help in figuring out what might be wrong and advise a cure?

Thank you very much in advance, your help is much appreciated!


  • Reply 1 of 5
    MarvinMarvin Posts: 15,435moderator
    Are you testing the web store on each machine locally or is the web shop running on a server? If it's on a server, does adding an item to the cart go to an https link?
  • Reply 2 of 5
    Originally Posted by Marvin View Post

    Are you testing the web store on each machine locally or is the web shop running on a server? If it's on a server, does adding an item to the cart go to an https link?

    Hi and thanks for assisting, Marvin. The web shop is on an external server and adding a product does not go to an https link.
  • Reply 3 of 5
    MarvinMarvin Posts: 15,435moderator
    Originally Posted by BorderC View Post

    Hi and thanks for assisting, Marvin. The web shop is on an external server and adding a product does not go to an https link.

    Do you have Search Engine Friendly URLs enabled and if so, does disabling them fix the 404 error?
  • Reply 4 of 5
    Yes I did, and turning it off solved the problem. Thanks a million, It's been driving me crazy!

    Maybe you can explain why this happens on one computer and not the other, although both are configured pretty much the same. Seems weird to me. Also, I do want search friendly URL's. Is there a way to work around the issue?

    Again, thank you lots for helping me figuring out the problem!
  • Reply 5 of 5
    MarvinMarvin Posts: 15,435moderator
    Originally Posted by BorderC View Post

    Maybe you can explain why this happens on one computer and not the other, although both are configured pretty much the same. Seems weird to me. Also, I do want search friendly URL's. Is there a way to work around the issue?

    Those URLs rely on the .htaccess file that is normally placed at the root of your hosting space. You might need to enable invisible files on your FTP application to see or you can copy it via ssh if you have a dedicated server/VPS. The difference between machines might have been the exact formatting of the URL or some authentication setting in .htaccess.

    If your server is running IIS, this thread might help:

    Mainly the part about making sure that in the Search Engine Settings on "Global configuration" page you set "Use Apache mod_rewrite" to "Yes". This is the same for Linux hosting.

    There's also a suggestion to:

    open your configuration.php file and find var $live_site= ??. Change this to match my example: var $live_site= ?http://domainofyoursite/path/to/joomla?.
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