System Prefs locks up when I try to change the desktop

in Genius Bar edited January 2014
For about a day (a little over) I've been trying to change my desktop picture, but it doesn't work. There are no problems opening the system prefs or selecting the desktop prefs, but when I go to "Choose Folder" in the menu, it beachballs endlessly and I have to force quit. It never has hung up the entire computer, and I can actually leave it going in the background while I go other things, but it never works. I've let it go for ten or twenty minutes before too, but it still didn't do anything. Any ideas?

I think that it may have something to do with one of two things I've done recently: First, I set an image I had open in Graphic Converter as the desktop background from within Graphic Converter. Also, I consolidated all my often-used desktop pictures into a single folder, which would normally be a problem for loading times except that it won't even let me open the folder.
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