My imac won't boot. it was ok the other night.
i get the start up chime, apple logo, i get the progress bar underneath...spinning sunflower...the progress bar again then it just shuts down.
I had to replace my hard drive before. it's not the hard drive again?
Lemon Bon Bon.
Have you tried booting from the OS dvd or whatever replaced that under Lion? Damn it.... trying to remember what chime is for the hard drive.
du-oh! i haven't tried that.
thanks for the suggestion, hmm.
Lemon Bon Bon.
I booted my iMac with the install disk. Had to play about with the Disk Utility. Erase the HD
Tried the install. Didn't work.
Played around some more: remount, enable journaling etc, verifty and repair the disk.
Then tried the install again. It...worked!
iMac is back up and running!
Thanks again for jump starting the common sense department in my brain.
Lemon Bon Bon.