5 new regional US carriers will offer Apple's iPhone starting April 20 [u]
A total of five regional U.S. carrier announced on Wednesday that they will begin selling Apple's iPhone on April 20, as Alaska Communications, GCI, Appalachian Wireless and Cellcom join an earlier announcement from nTelos [updated].
The iPhone 4S will become available to customers of five regional U.S. on April 20. It will be sold for $50 cheaper than its traditional subsidized price at other carriers, starting at $150 for the 16-gigabyte model, $250 for 32 gigabytes, and $350 for 64 gigabytes. The 8-gigabyte iPhone 4 will also be available for $50.
And one of the carriers announced Wednesday, GCI, has a GSM network, which means it will also be able to offer Apple's iPhone 3GS for free with a two-year contract.
Two of the carriers announced on Wednesday are based out of Alaska: Alaska Communications and GCI. The iPhone 4S will be available through Alaska Communications from its 14 retail stores, as well as the company's website.
The carrier offers nationwide unlimited talk plans for $90 with 2 gigabytes of data, while adding unlimited texting brings the monthly cost to $101 and bumps the data cap up to 5 gigabytes. The subsidized iPhone pricing requires a two-year service contract.
"We are delighted to offer Alaskans the best iPhone yet on Alaska’s smartest network," said Anand Vadapalli, Alaska Communications president and CEO. "As the Smartphone experts, Alaska Communications has a range of plans to meet the needs of all Alaskans, at home and at work."
Cellcom offers wireless service in parts of Michigan and Wisconsin, while Appalachian Wireless is based in Kentucky.

The announcement of four more wireless partners as an official carrier partner of Apple came on the same day that nTelos Wireless was also revealed. nTelos will also begin selling the iPhone 4S on April 20 to its more than 400,000 subscribers.
Apple began expanding availability of the iPhone to smaller, regional carriers last October when a deal with C Spire Wireless was announced. That carrier has about 900,000 customers.
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And with the Sarah Palin App you can see Russia from your house too!
Too funny!
Too funny!
Four year old jokes that are only relevant because they pertain to something from the same state are still funny?
Time flies, doesn't it?
And with the Sarah Palin App you can see Russia from your house too!
I'm pretty sure that you mean the SNL app, because Palin never actually said that, even though many ignorant liberals falsely believe that she did, and they keep repeating that ignorant lie. What else can you really expect from people who get most of their news and info from comedy shows?
With the Barack Obama app, you too can learn how to speak Austrian in Austria! You can also learn how to pronounce corpseman correctly without making it sound like you're addressing a dead person. The Obama app also gives automatic shoutouts to your homies in the crowd, whenever a massacre has just been committed.
The Obama app also provides a built in teleprompter, so no matter where you are or how much you stutter or sound like an uneducated fool, you will now be able to recycle them same, tired, old phrases time and time again, without having to use your brain much at all. It even works when you are speaking to a bunch of school kids.
Get it now for .99 cents on the appstore. Hurry, because this is a limited time offer.
I'm pretty sure that you mean the SNL app, because Palin never actually said that, even though many ignorant liberals falsely believe that she did, and they keep repeating that ignorant lie. What else can you really expect from people who get most of their news and info from comedy shows?
I'm pretty sure that you mean the SNL app, because Palin never actually said that, even though many ignorant liberals falsely believe that she did, and they keep repeating that ignorant lie. What else can you really expect from people who get most of their news and info from comedy shows?
With the Barack Obama app, you too can learn how to speak Austrian in Austria! You can also learn how to pronounce corpseman correctly without making it sound like you're addressing a dead person. The Obama app also gives automatic shoutouts to your homies in the crowd, whenever a massacre has just been committed.
The Obama app also provides a built in teleprompter, so no matter where you are or how much you stutter or sound like an uneducated fool, you will now be able to recycle them same, tired, old phrases time and time again, without having to use your brain much at all. It even works when you are speaking to a bunch of school kids.
Get it now for .99 cents on the appstore. Hurry, because this is a limited time offer.
Sarah Palin deserves any crap she gets, hell, she is her own worst enemy when it comes to saying stupid things. This is what she said - "They're our next-door neighbors, and you can actually see Russia from land here in Alaska, from an island in Alaska", when Charles Gibson asked her what insight she had gained from living so close to Russia. Yes, SNL spoofed it, but the take away was that her insight on Russia comes from living so close that you can see Russia from land in Alaska.
She appeals to those "regular" people who would prefer to have a fellow idiot run the country than an educated person. I for one would prefer to have someone smarter than me running this or any country. GW Bush was proof that bad things happen when you're sleeping on the job that was given to you by the dolts who thought you're just like them...
She never says that she can see Russia from her house.
Liberals got that from a SNL skit.
She never says that she can see Russia from her house.
Liberals got that from a SNL skit.
Maybe you should watch more SNL, you might just gain a sense of humour.
TallestSkill is correct though. This thread is supposed to be about Apple's move into Alaska with a new cellular service provider. I'm happy that is the case as I am sure you are. However you decided to bring the politics in. The original poster just made a joke. We are good at making fun of our politicians in Ireland and you shouldn't have taken it so seriously.
As you Americans would say... "Chill dude".
Bertie Ahern is as far removed from right wing politics as it is possible to get but we still like to take the piss. The Irish are an equal opportunities piss taking race...
An Irishman died and went to heaven. As he stood in front of St. Peter at the Pearly Gates, he saw a huge wall of clocks behind him. He asked, "What are all those clocks?" St. Peter answered, "Those are Lie-Clocks. Everyone in the universe has a Lie-Clock. Every time you lie, the hands on your clock will move." "Oh," said the man, "whose clock is that?" "That's St. Patrick's. The hands have never moved, indicating that he never told a lie." "Incredible," said the man. "And whose clock is that one?" St. Peter responded, "That's Daniel O'Connell's clock. The hands have moved twice, telling us that he told only two lies in his entire life." "Where's Bertie Ahern's clock?" asked the man. "Bertie's clock is in God's office. He's using it as a ceiling fan."
I know he would switch in a heartbeat if the choice was there.
So if Apple's pay to play costs are so high that a mid-market telco like US Cellular says they can't afford to offer the iPhone, how is it that these even smaller players are doing it? There has to be more to the deal than we know.
It couldn't be that Google's paying to keep Apple out of the mid-level players, could it?
That's really nonsensical to think, but we should consider everything. Including them being too stupid and stubborn to cave to Apple's demands or Apple's demands actually being too restrictive.
lol, T-Mobile.
You know those GSM frequencies that nobody wants? Let's bid on that spectrum and build a business around that! What could possibly go wrong?
And with the Sarah Palin App you can see Russia from your house too!
I bought my first cell phone circa 1995 it cost be about $50 and the plan was $39.99 for 900mins anytime. these phone companies are ripping us off. It's the only tech industry where prices go up over time imho
The only hope for the future on which we can yet hold is the knowledge that, one day, their reign of tyranny WILL come crashing down, supported by the governments of all 1st world nations, and an era of PROPER competition will ensue, both with cellular and landline data.
I have a glorious vision for the future of technology and interconnected electronics and their use. I'm working on UI for it and designing images that will illustrate the full vision (this'll take a good while) BUT IT WILL NEVER COME TRUE IF WE DON'T GET THESE TYRANTS OUT OF THE WAY.
You know those GSM frequencies that nobody wants? Let's bid on that spectrum and build a business around that! What could possibly go wrong?
With so few finite frequencies available, getting desirable 3G frequencies (850 and 1900 MHz) can be extremely difficult. T-Mobile was probably banking on semiconductor firms eventually releasing more universal 3G chipset (for its 1700 and 1900 MHz 3G/4G bands).
Let's face it. Radio frequency spectrum is a huge mess, especially when you factor in LTE.
I'm pretty sure that you mean the SNL app, because Palin never actually said that, even though many ignorant liberals falsely believe that she did, and they keep repeating that ignorant lie. What else can you really expect from people who get most of their news and info from comedy shows?
With the Barack Obama app, you too can learn how to speak Austrian in Austria! You can also learn how to pronounce corpseman correctly without making it sound like you're addressing a dead person. The Obama app also gives automatic shoutouts to your homies in the crowd, whenever a massacre has just been committed.
The Obama app also provides a built in teleprompter, so no matter where you are or how much you stutter or sound like an uneducated fool, you will now be able to recycle them same, tired, old phrases time and time again, without having to use your brain much at all. It even works when you are speaking to a bunch of school kids.
Get it now for .99 cents on the appstore. Hurry, because this is a limited time offer.
Also,the app will make automatic in-app $4.99 purchases every five minutes until you are personally bankrupt. And on food stamps.
It might have been good 25 years ago but it sure as hell blows today.
I agree. I used to watch that show sometimes in the 80's, when they had true comedic masters like John Belushi, Eddie Murphy, Gilda Radner and others on that show.
Today, it's simply garbage and it's just a pathetic shadow of it's former self.