Unix help!!!

in Genius Bar edited January 2014
I'm asking some help to all of my Unix friends out there. I would like to make a script that would empty Explorer's cache and Delete cookies.... Any idea how to do that? Thanks!


  • Reply 1 of 2
    xaqtlyxaqtly Posts: 450member
    You should be able to use Applescript to do that if you want... just tell it to get those files and move them to the trash then empty the trash.
  • Reply 2 of 2
    rraburrabu Posts: 264member
    1. Create a file like this (without the dashes):



    rm -rf /Users/<my_user_name>/Library/Preferences/<wherever explorer stores cache>/*

    rm -rf <same as above for the cookies>


    2. Save the file as something like "clean_exporer.sh" in your home directory.

    3. Change the file so you can execute it:

    Type "chmod 755 clean_explorer.sh" in the terminal.

    4. Run the script by typing "./clean_explorer.sh" in the terminal whenever you want to run the script.

    I'm not anywhere near a Mac right now so didn't know exactly where explorer stores the cache and cookies. You'd have to check and put that in.
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