DV Audio in for multi-track...

in Genius Bar edited January 2014
Ok. So, here is my problem. I have a Tascam 244 that was used to record a concert. Anyways, naturally, it consists of 4 tracks, and has 4 mono outs. (Duh ) Anyways, I am trying to find a way to record all 4 tracks to my computer. I have an iMac 450 and 2 Beige G3's, if that is of any help. So, I have tried the obvious wa of doing 2 tracks at a time, but it always gets out of sync, and just won't work. So, I need a way to record them all at once. I have a Sony TRV-25, so I was thinking I could use the AV in from that, but of course I have found no way on that. So basically I am stuck. I am saving up for a Digi 002, but it will be quite a while until I can afford one. So, if anyone has any ideas, please lemme know. Thanks. Oh yeah, if I left out any information at all that would be of help, lemme know that as well. Once again, thanks.


  • Reply 1 of 2
    Um, about the only thing I can recommend is either the Emagic 6/2 or the MIDIMAN USB Audiosport Quattro.

    They don't cost as much as the Digi 002 Interface, and do a fantastic job for small home studio recording.

  • Reply 2 of 2
    The Tascam doesn't have a stereo monitor out? How about a headphone out? Or do you want to mix the four tracks in the computer? If you want to mix the four seperate tracks in the computer I would try putting a sharp sound sound across all four tracks at the beginning of your song. I would then load the song in two tracks at a time and use that first "hit" to visually time align the tracks. A pain in the ass, but not impossible.
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